Chapter 2. Architecture and technical overview 29
The PCI-X slots in the p5-570 system support hot-plug and Extended Error Handling (EEH).
In the unlikely event of a problem, EEH-enabled adapters respond to a special data packet
that is generated from the affected PCI-X slot hardware by calling system firmware, which
examines the affected bus, allows the device driver to reset it, and continues without a
system reboot.
64-bit and 32-bit adapters
IBM offers 64-bit adapter options for the p5-570 as well as 32-bit adapters. Higher-speed
adapters use 64-bit slots because they can transfer 64 bits of data for each data transfer
phase. Generally, 32-bit adapters can function in 64-bit PCI-X slots; however, some 64-bit
adapters cannot be used in 32-bit slots. For a full list of the adapters that are supported on the
p5-570 systems, and for important information regarding adapter placement, visit the
IBM ^ pSeries Information Center at:
2.5.2 LAN adapters
The dual port internal 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 Ethernet controller integrated on the system
planar can be used to connect to a local area network (LAN).
Table 2-1 lists additional LAN adapters that were available at the time of writing, when
building an initial order of a p5-570 system. IBM supports an installation with NIM using
Ethernet and token-ring adapters (CHRP
is the platform type.)
Table 2-1 Available LAN adapters
2.5.3 Graphic accelerators
The p5-570 supports up to two enhanced POWER GXT135P (FC 2849) 2D graphic
accelerators. The POWER GXT135P is a low-priced 2D graphics accelerator for pSeries and
p5 servers. It can be configured to operate in either 8-bit or 24-bit color modes, running at
60 Hz to 85 Hz. This adapter supports both analog and digital monitors. The adapter requires
one short 32-bit or 64-bit PCI-X slot.
2.5.4 SCSI adapters
To connect to external SCSI devices, the adapters listed in Table 2-2 are available, at the time
of writing, to be used in p5-570 system.
CHRP stands for Common Hardware Reference Platform, a specification for PowerPC-based systems that can run
multiple operating systems.
Feature code Adapter description Slot Size
4959 4/16 Token Ring 32 or 64 short
4962 10/100 Ethernet 32 or 64 short
5700 Gigabit Ethernet (Fiber) 64 short
5701 10/100/1000 Ethernet (UTP) 64 short
5706 2-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet (UTP) 64 short
5707 2-port Gigabit Ethernet - SX (Fiber) 64 short
5718 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X 64 short