Note: The diagnostic functions of the FAStT MSJ utility are available for all
supported operating systems. The configuration functions of the FAStT
MSJ utility are available only for Linux operating systems.
Installation and system requirements
Make sure that you are using the latest version of the IBM FAStT MSJ utility
for the IBM Eserver BladeCenter JS20 Fibre Channel Expansion Card. Go to
the IBM support Web site at http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/ for the latest
information about the IBM FAStT MSJ utility. The latest instructions and
system requirements are in the documentation that comes with the utility.
The FAStT MSJ utility enables you to:
v Set the FAStT MSJ utility options
v Connect to hosts
v Disconnect from a host
v View detailed event and alarm-log information
v Use host-to-host SAN configuration policies
v Configure port devices
v Use logical unit number (LUN) level configuration
v Monitor in real-time to see when failovers occur, using the Failover Watcher
v Control host-side agent operations, including setting of the host agent
polling interval
v Review host adapter information, including:
– General information
– Statistics
– Information about attached devices
– Link status for attached device
Perform adapter functions, including:
– Configuring the adapter NVRAM settings
– Executing fibre diagnostics (read/write buffer loopback tests)
– Performing flash updates on an adapter
– Performing NVRAM updates on an adapter
Manage configurations:
– Save configurations for off-line policy checks and SAN integrity
– Load configurations from a file if the host is off-line for policy checks and
SAN integrity
Confirm security
24 Installation and User’s Guide for HS20/HS40 and JS20 Fibre Channel expansion cards