Chapter 9 - Appendix
9-5. List of Supported Commands
Mode 1 and mode 2 common commands
Command Format Parameter Range [Default]
!DWDwell !DW t [terminator] t Dwell time 0 to 32767 [ms] [0 [ms]]
!MC Motor Control !MC n [terminator] n Motor ON/OFF switching -32768 to 32767 [motor ON]
!MC [terminator]
!NR Not Ready !NR [terminator] None
!PZ Set Z1&Z2 !PZ z1 (,z2) [terminator] z1 Z1 coordinates -4250 to 0 [0]
z2 Z2 coordinates 0 to 4250 [0]
!RC Revolution !RC n [terminator] n Spindle motor 0 to 15, 8000 to 30000 [rpm]
revolution speed [8000 [rpm]]
!VZ Velocity Select !VZ s [terminator] s Feed rate (Z axis) 0 to 50 [mm/sec] [2 [mm/sec]]
!ZM Z-axis Move !ZM z [terminator] z Z coordinate -4250 to 0
!ZO Set Z0 !ZO z [terminator] z Z machine coordinate -4250 to 0
!ZZ XYZ-axis !ZZ x1, y1, z1, ....., xn, yn XY coordinate *1
Simultaneous Feed xn, yn, zn [terminator] zn Z coordinate *1