
output protection, power
supply 1-11
output voltage sequencing 1-11
overvoltage fault 1-11
page hit 1-7
page miss 1-7
parallel controller port 1-4
hard disk 2-32
power-on 2-32
supervisor 2-32
PCI error check enable 2-32
interface 1-6
slots 1-4
subsystem 3-11
PCMCIA slots 1-4
Pentium 90/120MHz 1-3
performance, system 1-7
cache test 2-2
error codes 2-35
memory errors 2-17
password 2-30, 2-32
reset 2-30
ROM test 2-16
power supply 1-10
power-on password 2-30, 2-32
power-on self-test (POST)
cache test 2-2
error codes 2-35
memory errors 2-17
password 2-30, 2-32
reset 2-30
ROM test 2-16
protected mode switch 2-30
RAM (random access
memory) 2-16
RAM I/O operations,
RT/CMOS 2-21
RAM subsystem 1-3, 2-16
random access memory
(RAM) 1-3, 2-16
read-only memory (ROM) 1-3, 2-16
real mode switch 2-30
real-time clock 2-19
real-time clock bytes,
RT/CMOS 2-22
refresh rate, specifications 1-7
refresh request 2-32
register, CD-ROM drive 1-5
RT/CMOS address and NMI
mask 2-20
RT/CMOS data 2-20
status 2-22, 2-23, 2-24
reserved bytes, RT/CMOS RAM
configuration 2-28
reset, alternative method 2-30
ROM (read-only memory) 2-16
address and NMI mask register
(hex 0070) 2-20
data register (hex 0071) 2-20
RAM address map 2-19
RAM configuration
configuration CRC bytes 2-28
date-century byte 2-28
diagnostic status byte 2-25
diskette drive type byte 2-26
equipment byte 2-27
hard disk drive 2, 3 type
byte 2-26, 2-27
low and high base memory
bytes 2-28
low and high expansion
memory bytes 2-28
low and high usable memory
bytes 2-28
reserved bytes 2-27, 2-28
shutdown status byte 2-25
RAM I/O operations 2-21
real-time clock bytes 2-22
status register A (hex
00A) 2-22
Index X-3