IBM United States Hardware Announcement
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
Language Group Specify - Portuguese 8236 E8C 9707
Language Group Specify - Spanish 8236 E8C 9708
Language Group Specify - Italian 8236 E8C 9711
Language Group Specify - Canadian French 8236 E8C 9712
Language Group Specify - Japanese 8236 E8C 9714
Language Group Specify - Traditional Chinese
(Taiwan) 8236 E8C 9715
Language Group Specify - Korean 8236 E8C 9716
Language Group Specify - Turkish 8236 E8C 9718
Language Group Specify - Hungarian 8236 E8C 9719
Language Group Specify - Slovakian 8236 E8C 9720
Language Group Specify - Russian 8236 E8C 9721
Language Group Specify - Simplified Chinese (PRC) 8236 E8C 9722
Language Group Specify - Czech 8236 E8C 9724
Language Group Specify -- Romanian 8236 E8C 9725
Language Group Specify - Croatian 8236 E8C 9726
Language Group Specify -- Slovenian 8236 E8C 9727
Language Group Specify - Brazilian Portuguese 8236 E8C 9728
Language Group Specify - Thai 8236 E8C 9729
Model conversions
Not applicable
Feature conversions
Not applicable
Business Partner information
If you are a Direct Reseller - System Reseller acquiring products from IBM,
you may link directly to Business Partner information for this announcement. A
PartnerWorld® ID and password are required (use IBM ID).
19-inch racks
The Model 8236-E8C and its I/O drawers are designed to mount in the 25U 7014-
S25 (#0555), 36U 7014-T00 (#0551), or the 42U 7014-T42 (#0553) rack. These
racks are built to the 19-inch EIA standard. When you order a new 8233 system,
you can also order the appropriate 7014 rack model with the system hardware on
the same initial order. IBM is making the racks available as features of the 8233-
E8B when you order additional I/O drawer hardware for an existing system (MES
order). The rack feature number should be used if you want IBM to integrate the
newly ordered I/O drawer in a 19-inch rack before shipping the MES order.
1.8-Meter Rack (#0551)
The 1.8-Meter Rack (#0551) is a 36 EIA unit rack. The rack that is delivered as
feature 0551 is the same rack delivered when you order the 7014-T00 rack; the
included features may be different. Some features that are delivered as part of the
7014-T00 must be ordered separately with the feature 0551. Order the feature 0551
only when required to support rack integration of MES orders prior to shipment from
2.0-Meter Rack (#0553)
The 2.0-Meter Rack (#0553) is a 42 EIA unit tall rack. The rack that is delivered
as feature 0553 is the same rack delivered when you order the 7014-T42 rack; the
included features may be different. Some features that are delivered as part of the
7014-T42 must be ordered separately with the feature 0553. Order the feature 0553
only when required to support rack integration of MES orders prior to shipment from