Validating the Installation 27
Application Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 1
Validating the Data Collector Installation
This chapter includes the instructions for validating the Data Collector installation on
the Data Collector Server.
Validating the Installation
The following directions assume that the Data Collector files have been installed in
their default location:
Windows (C:\Program Files\Aptare) or UNIX (/opt/aptare).
If you have installed the files in a different directory, please make the necessary path
translations as you follow these testing instructions.
Note: Running some of these commands can take up to several hours depending on the size of
your enterprise.
1. Open a session.
Windows: Open a command prompt window.
UNIX: Open a telnet session logged in as root to the Data Collector Server.
2. Change to the directory where you’ll run the validation script.
Windows: At the command prompt, type:
cd C:\Program Files\Aptare\mbs\bin <enter>
UNIX: In the telnet session, type:
cd /opt/aptare/mbs/bin <enter>
3. Execute the validation script.
Windows: At the command prompt, type:
checkinstall.bat <enter>
UNIX: In the telnet session. type: ./
checkinstall.sh <enter>
4. Check for output similar to the following:
The Java version is --> 1.6.0-b105
Version information for datarcvr, aptare.jar and aptarebootstrap.jar at
datarcvr Version
aptare.jar Version
Minimum Version:
Current Version:
Build Number: 05162008-1420