1. Safety, Operation Panel, Teach Pendant (3) Teach Pendant
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1.3.2 Screen of Teach Pendant
The following is an example display of teach pendant screen in case of manual mode.
Screen description
Title Frame: Current time (Hour: Minutes: Second: ), Mode, Accuracy Level and Manual Speed
are displayed.
Edit Frame: Program No., Step No., Function No., Speed, command message, position, condition
file and etc. are displayed. Robot pattern, No. of axes and total step Nos. are displayed, in
case of Step 0.
Guide Frame: Provide guide or instruction for user's operation. Errors or output messages
of teach pendant is displayed.
Input Frame : The status of the data input from the teach pendant is displayed. Also, the
range of the data to be input by user is displayed.
Menu Frame: It can be changed subject to any situations. Select one of the function keys from
[PF1] to [PF5].
Highlighted message of S3 above means that current step No. is 3. '.' in front of each
command before Step No. 3 means the command which was already implemented. Any commands after
Step No. 3 mean not yet implemented.
PN:999[*]__ S/F=3/0 Sp:100.00
Robot:H120, 6axes, 4stpes
S1 .MOVE L,S=50%,A=0,T=0
S2 .MOVE L,S=50%,A=0,T=0
S3 MOVE L,S=40cm/min,A=0,T=0
S4 MOVE L,S=50%,A=0,T=0
Select PF menu
Service System Rel.WAIT Cond Set
← Title Frame
← Edit Frame
← Guide Frame
← Input Frame
← Menu Frame