(ElectroMagnetic Compatibility)
This equipment has been tested for EMC using the methods outlined in EN14982:98. The tests found that
the equipment did not exceed the radiated emission limits. The saw was tested in a semi-anechoic chamber at
NCEE, Lincoln, Nebraska, a FCC registered laboratory. The test report is on le at Husqvarna Construction Products,
Olathe, Kansas.
Sound Level
Lwa (dB) Lpa (dB)
EN 23744 EN ISO 11201
FS4800 D
Yanmar Diesel 119.0 94.8
48 HP (35 kW)
Technical Data - Sound Level, EMC, and HAV
(Hand-Arm Vibration)
This equipment has been tested for HAV in accordance with ISO 5349. The results are shown in the following chart.
Model Maximum Vibration (Aeq) in m/s
Maximum Exposure Time
FS 4800 D 2.78 - 3.51 81%
The Aeq value is the measured continuous vibration at the extended handlebars expressed as acceleration with the
units of m/s
(meters per second squared). The measured values were taken with a fully warmed engine, running at
maximum rated RPM. The measurement point was the grip of the extended handlebars. Instrumentation was a Larson
Davis model HVM100 Human Vibration Meter and the SEN021 Triaxial Accelerometer. The accelerometer was secured
to a hand adapter, which allows it to sense the same magnitude of vibration as the operator’s hand.
The Maximum Exposure Time is a calculated value referenced to an 8-hour workday and the “daily exposure action
value” of 2.5 m/s
as dened in Directive 2002/44/EC of 25 June 2002.
The time weighted daily vibration exposure time can be found with the following formula:
Maximum Exposure Time = (2.5/Aeq)
X 8 hours
Normal operation of this equipment does not require the continuous contact of the hand to the handlebar. Observation
of professional cutters using this saw has shown that the majority of operators actually hold the handle bars less than
25% of the cutting time.
Over exposure to vibrations can result in blood vessel or nerve injury to persons suffering with blood circulation problems.
Seek medical attention if you experience physical symptoms that can be related to over exposure to vibrations. Examples
of symptoms are numbness, lack of feeling, tingling, tickling, pain or a reduction of normal strength, or changes in skin
color. These symptoms normally appear in the ngers, hand or wrists.