If the mower is not tracking straight, check the
air pressure in all four tires. Recommended air
pressure for all 4 tires is 15 psi. If the unit will
not track straight, follow the steps below. Track-
ing must be checked on a flat and level concrete
or blacktop surface.
Mower is tracking to the right. Increase
the air pressure 2-3 psi in the right rear tire
or decrease the air pressure 2/3 psi in the
left rear tire.
Mower is tracking to the left. Increase
the air pressure 2-3 psi in the left rear tire
or decrease the air pressure 2/3 psi in the
right rear tire.
Recheck tracking and keep making adjustments
with the tire pressure until the unit tracks straight.
DO NOT exceed maximum recommended tire
pressure 24 psi.
Record the tire pressure for future reference.