
English - 59
9. Trouble shooting
In this chapter, we have listed a number of messages which may be shown in the display if there is a
malfunction. There is a proposal as to the cause and steps to take for each message.
This chapter also presents some symptoms that can guide you if the mower does not work as expected.
More suggestions for steps to take in the event of malfunction or symptoms can be found on
9.1 Messages
Below we have listed a number of messages which may be shown in the display of the Husqvarna
. If the same message appears often: contact your dealer.
Message Cause Action
Left wheel motor
Grass or other object has wrapped
around the drive wheel.
Check the drive wheel and remove
the grass or other object.
Right wheel motor
Grass or other object has wrapped
around the drive wheel.
Check the drive wheel and remove
the grass or other object.
Blade disc blocked Grass or other object has wrapped
around the blade disc.
Check the blade disc and remove the
grass or other object.
The blade disc lies in a pool of water. Move the mower and if possible
prevent the collection of water in the
working area.
No loop signal The transformer is not connected. Check the wall socket connection and
whether the miniature circuit-breaker
has tripped. Check that the low
voltage cable is connected to the
charging station.
The boundary wire is not connected
to the charging station.
Check that the boundary wire
connector is fitted properly to the
charging station. See 3.5 Connecting
the boundary wire on page 27.
Boundary wire broken. Find out where the break is. Replace
the damaged section of the loop with
a new loop wire and splice using an
original coupler.
The boundary wire is laid in the wrong
direction around an island.
Check that the boundary wire has
been laid according to the instructions
in chapter 3 Installation.
The connection between Automower
and the charging station has been
Park Automower
in the charging
station and generate a new loop
signal via Security -> New loop signal
Disturbances from metal objects
(fences, reinforcement steel) or
buried cables close by.
Try moving the boundary wire.