Technical data
226HD60S 226HD75S
Engine Type Air-cooled 2-stroke gasoline Air-cooled 2-stroke gasoline
Cylinder displacement, cm
23.6 23.6
Cylinder bore, mm 34 34
Stroke, mm 26 26
Idle speed, rpm 3000±200 3000±200
Max. output, kw/ rpm 0.85/8000 0.85/8000
Ignition system
Spark pulg NGK CMR7H NGK CMR7H
Electrode gap, mm 0.6-0.7 0.6-0.7
Fuel and ludrication system
Fuel Mixture (Gasoline 50 : Oil 1) Mixture (Gasoline 50 : Oil 1)
Fuel tank capacity, liter 0.47 0.47
Manufacturer/type of carburetor Walbro Diaphragm type Walbro Diaphragm type
Type Double-sided blades Double-sided blades
Length, mm 600 750
Pitch, mm 35 35
Transmission Centrifugal clutch. Cam-crank Centrifugal clutch. Cam-crank
Reduction ratio 5.11 5.11
Weight without fuel and grease, kg
5.8 6.0
Noise emission
Sound power level, guaranteed LWA dB(A) 102 102
Noise level
Sound pressure level at the operator's ear,
measured according to EN ISO 22868, dB(A)
94,2 94,2
Vibration level
Vibration levels at handles,
measured according to EN 774
Top speed front/rear handle, m/s2 1.8/1.5 2.5/2.1
NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice.