545196786 Rev. 2 4/30/09
S The clear ing technique removes all un-
wanted vegetat ion. Keep the trimmer
head just above the ground and tilt it. Let
the end of the trimmer line strike the
ground around trees, posts, statues and
the like. CAUTION! This technique
increas es the wear on the trimmer line.
S The trimmer line wears quicker and must
be fed forward more often when working
against stones, brick, concrete, metal
fences, etc., than when coming into con-
tact with trees and wooden fences.
Grass trimmi ng wit h a trimmer head
S Hold the trimmer head just above the ground
at an angle. It is the end of the trim mer line
that does the work. Let the tr immer line wor k
at its own pace. Never press the trimmer
S The trimmer line can easily remove grass
and weeds up against walls, fences, trees
and borders , however it can also damage
sensitive bark on trees and bushes, and
damage fence posts.
S Reduce the ris k of damagi ng plants by
shorte ning the tri mmer line to 10--12 cm and
reducing the engine speed.
S Whe n tr imming you should use less than
full throttle so that the trimmer line lasts
longer and to r educe the wear on the
trimmer head.
Grass clearing using a grass blade
S Grass blades and grass cu tters must not be
used on woody st ems.
S A grass blade is used for all ty pes of tall or
coarse grass.
S Thegrassiscutdownwithasideways,
swi nging movement , where the movem ent
from righ t--to--left is the clearing st roke and
the move ment from left--t o--right is the ret urn
str oke. Let the left--ha nd side of the blade
(betwe en 8 and 12 o’cl ock) do the cut ting.
S If the blade is angled to the lef t when cl ear-
ing grass, th e grass will collect in a line,
which makes it easier to collect, e.g. by
S Try to work rhyth m ically. Stand firmly with
your feet apart. Move for ward after the re-
turn st roke and stand firm ly again.
S Let the support cup rest lightly against the
ground. It is used to protect the blade fr om
hitting the ground.
S Reduce the risk of material wrapping
around the blade by following these in-
stru c tio ns:
S Always wo rk at full throttle.
S Avoid the previousl y cut material during
the return strok e.
S Stop the engine, uncl ip the harness and
place the machine on the ground befor e
you start t o colle ct t he cut