Sharpening grass cutters and
grass blades
S See the cutting attachment packaging for
correct sharpening instructions.
S Sharpen blades and cutters using a
single--cut flat file.
S Sharpen all edges equally to maintain the
balance of the blade.
W ARNING: Always discard a
blade that is bent, twisted, cracked,
broken or damaged in any other
way . Never attempt to straighten a
twisted blade so that it can be re-
used. Only use original blades of the
specified type.
W ARNING: Always stop the en-
gine be fore doing a ny work on the
cutting atta chmen t. This contin ues
to rotate eve n after the throttle has
been released. Ensure that the cut-
ting attach ment has stopped com-
pletely and disconne ct the HT lead
from the s park plug be fore you s tart
to work on it.