13 63-2605—5
— No options lockout special keypresses. See
the Special Functions section for details.
4. Once the proper option is chosen, exit Installer Setup by
pressing Run Schedule.
5. The display prompts SAV CFG (save configuration). If
you want to save it, use the up S or down T key to
change NO to YES before pressing Run Schedule
Possible Equipment Damage.
Fan must be running when system is operating.
Heat pump and electric heat systems must be
configured correctly to prevent equipment damage
caused by the system running without the fan.
Limited configuration can be done with the keypad. In order to
determine the proper codes to use for the Configuration
Variables (CnfgID), a PDA is required:
1. Open the PDA Config Tool Application.
2. Select the desired configuration.
3. On the summary screen, tap CnfgID.
4. The PDA determines the proper CnfgID.
5. Make note of the values.
6. Press both Copy and Run Schedule.
7. Tap until C1 appears on the right end of the display.
8. Adjust each variable to match the PDA indication:
a. Hold down the up S or down T key to adjust the
value quickly.
b. Tap the up S or down T key for fine control.
9. Press to switch to another variable.
10. Return to step 8 and repeat the process until all digits
are set properly.
11. To exit the Installer Setup, press Run Schedule.
12. The display prompts SAV CFG (save configuration).
a. If you want to save the new configuration, use the
up S or down T key to change NO to YES before
pressing Run Schedule.
b. If you want the configuration to remain as it was
before starting this change, ensure the display
indicates SAV CFG NO and press Run Schedule.
1. Review the settings to confirm that they are correct
for the system.
2. Press Run Schedule to exit the Installer Setup.
3. The thermostat prompts you to save configuration
changes. Default is NO.
4. Be sure to set the current day and time immediately.
Special Functions
Restore Factory Configuration (Run/Clear)
This operation erases the current configuration and
restores the factory defaults for all configuration,
parameters, setpoints and schedules. To regain the
old requires device reconfiguration.
1. Press both Run Schedule and Clear Start Time.
2. The display gives the option to restore the FAC CFG.
a. To restore the factory defaults, press up S or
down T until the display indicates YES.
b. To cancel this option, ensure display indicates NO.
3. Press Run Schedule.
Get Factory Schedule (Info/Clear)
Performing this operation reverts the schedules to the factory
1. Press both Info and Clear Start Time.
2. The display gives the option to restore the FAC SCH.
a. To restore the factory schedule, press up S or
down T until the display indicates YES.
b. To cancel this option, ensure display indicates NO.
3. Press Run Schedule.
Test Mode (Occupied/Not Occupied/Schedule Day)
Possible Equipment Damage.
Equipment damage can result if compressor is
cycled too quickly.
The minimum off time for compressors is bypassed
during Test Mode. Equipment damage can occur if the
compressor is cycled too quickly.
Use the Test Mode to check the thermostat configurations and
operation. To start the system test:
1. Press Schedule Day, Occupied and Not Occupied
2. The display gives the option to TEST.
a. To enter test mode, press up S or down T until the
display indicates IN TEST.
b. To cancel this option, ensure the display indicates
3. Press Run Schedule.
— To verify whether or not the system test is still
active, repeat the above process.
— The system test times out after ten minutes with
no key pressed.
Save User Schedule (Info/Copy)
Performing this operation saves the current schedule
(including holidays) to memory, overwriting the old saved
1. Press both Info and Copy.
2. The display gives the option to SAV SHD.
a. To save the current schedule, press up S or down
T until the display indicates YES.
b. To cancel this option, ensure display indicates NO.
3. Press Run Schedule.
Get User Schedule (Info/Run)
Getting the user schedule restores the schedule (including
holidays) from saved memory, overwriting the schedule
currently in use:
1. Press both Run Schedule and Info.
2. The display gives the option to GET SHD.
a. To retrieve the saved schedule, press up S or
down T until the display indicates YES.
b. To cancel this option, ensure display indicates NO.
3. Press Run Schedule.