
68-0163—3 16
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Home and Building Control
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155 Gordon Baker Road
North York, Ontario
M2H 3N7
Honeywell Latin American Division
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Home and Building Control
Honeywell Inc.
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P.O. Box 524
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68-0163—3 J.S. Rev. 2-99 www.honeywell.com/building/components
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Troubleshooting Guide
Symptom Possible Cause Action
Heating does not
come on.
Thermostat minimum Off time is
activated and wait indicator is
displayed (T7100F only).
Wait up to five minutes for the system to respond.
Enter Installer Setup 38 (T7100F only) and reconfigure minimum On
time (if required).
System selection is not set to
Set system selection to Heat.
O or B terminal miswired
(select models).
Check system description to determine whether changeover should be
energized in heat (B) or cool (O). Rewire if necessary.
Cooling does not
come on.
No power to the thermostat. Check that X terminal is connected to the system transformer.
Check for 24 Vac between X and R or RC and Y terminals.
If missing 24 Vac:
Check if the circuit breaker is tripped; if so, reset the circuit
Check if the system fuse is blown; if so, replace the fuse.
Check if the system switch at the equipment is in the Off
position; if so, set to the On position.
Check wiring between thermostat and HVAC equipment and
replace any broken wires and tighten any loose connections.
If 24 Vac is present, proceed with troubleshooting.
Thermostat minimum Off time
is activated.
Wait up to five minutes for the system to respond.
Enter Installer Setup 33. Reconfigure minimum Off time
(if required).
System selection is not set
to Cool.
Set system selection to Cool.
O or B terminal miswired
(select models).
Check system description to determine whether changeover should be
energized in heat (B) or cool (O). Rewire if necessary.
System on indicator
snowflake=cool) is
lit, but no heat is
Fan operation set for 00
(conventional heat) when it
should be set for 01 (electric
heat) (T7100D,F only).
Enter Installer Setup 02 and reconfigure the fan operation.
being delivered.
Conventional heating equip-
ment turns on the fan when the
furnace has warmed up to a
setpoint (T7100D,F only).
Wait a minute after seeing the On indicator and then check the registers.
Heating equipment is not
Verify operation of heating equipment in Self-Test.