Press the s or t button to Setting
1 select the type of system
you have in your home
0 Heating & cooling: Gas, oil or electric heating with central
air conditioning.
1 Heat pump: Outside compressor provides both heating and
cooling without backup or auxiliary heat.
2 Heating only: Gas, oil or electric heating without central air
3 Heating only with fan: Gas, oil or electric heating without
central air conditioning. (Use this setting if you could turn the
fan on and off with a fan switch on your old thermostat.)
4 Cool only: Central air conditioning only.
5 Heat pump: Outside compressor provides both heating and
cooling with backup or auxiliary heating.
6 Heat/Cool Multiple Stages: Two heat stages (wires on W
and W2), two cooling stages (wires on Y and Y2).
7 Heat/Cool Multiple Stages: Two heat stages (wires on W
and W2), one cooling stage (wire on Y).
8 Heat/Cool Multiple Stages: One heat stage (wire on W),
two cooling stages (wires on Y and Y2).
2 select whether your
changeover valve is used
in heating or cooling
0 Cooling changeover valve: Use this setting if you
connected a wire labeled “O” to the O/B W wire terminal.
1 Heating changeover valve: Use this setting if you
connected a wire labeled “B” to the O/B W wire terminal.
3 select your heating
system and fan operation
0 Gas or oil heat: Use this setting if you have a gas or oil
heating system (system controls fan operation).
1 Electric heat: Use this setting if you have an electric
heating system (thermostat controls fan operation).
5 select your Stage 1
heating system and
optimize its operation
5 Gas or oil furnace: Use this setting if you have a standard
gas or oil furnace that is less than 90% efcient.
9 Electric furnace: Use this setting if you have any type of
electric heating system.
3 Heat pump, hot water or high-efficiency furnace: Use
this setting if you have a hot water system or a gas furnace
of greater than 90% efciency.
1 Gas/oil steam or gravity system: Use this setting if you
have a steam or gravity heat system.
6 select your Stage 2
heating system and
optimize its operation
5 Gas or oil furnace: Use this setting if you have a standard
gas or oil furnace that is less than 90% efcient.
9 Electric furnace: Use this setting if you have any type of
electric heating system.
3 Heat pump, hot water or high-efficiency furnace: Use
this setting if you have a hot water system or a gas furnace
of greater than 90% efciency.
1 Gas/oil steam or gravity system: Use this setting if you
have a steam or gravity heat system.
8 Emergency Heat Cycle
Rate (heat pumps only)
9 Electric furnace: Electric heating systems.
12 select Manual or Auto
0 Manual Changeover: (Heat/Off/Cool)
1 Automatic Changeover: (Heat/Off/Cool/Auto) Automatically
turns on heat or cool based on room temperature.
13 select Smart Response®
1 Smart Response Technology ON
0 Smart Response Technology OFF
14 select Fahrenheit or
Celsius temperature
0 Fahrenheit temperature display (°F)
1 Celsius temperature display (°C)