PW-6000 Installation
System Configuration via Web Interface
PW-6000 Installation Guide, Document 800-00005, Revision A 19
1. From PW6000 Communication Address drop-down list, select one of the eight (0 to 7)
available communication addresses for the PW-6000 board.
Note: In the previous panels, this selection was made manually by setting the DIP switches.
2. For the Primary Host Port, make the following selections:
a. Connection Type. Select IP Server (the standard connection type), so that the
Pro-Watch Host will poll the PW-6000 panel. The panel does not currently support the
IP Client option, which would cause the PW-6000 panel to poll the Pro-Watch Host and
the Host to reply to the panel.
a. Data Security. Select one of the following:
– Password/AES from the drop-down list. If you select Password/AES,
communications between the Pro-Watch Host and the PW-6000 panel are
encrypted. Note that encryption must be enabled in Pro-Watch for the appropriate
Pro-Watch channel. See Chapter 7, “Hardware Configuration,” in the Pro-Watch
Guide for channel encryption instructions.
b. Port Number. Enter the port number through which the host computer can communicate
with the PW-6000 board.
c. Select either Allow All or the Authorized IP Address Required option button.
– Allow All, as the label suggests, allows all IP addresses to communicate with the
PW-6000. Select this option for web page browser access.
– If you select the Authorized IP Address Required option, also enter in the
Authorized IP Addresses fields all the IP addresses that would be allowed to
communicate with the PW-6000. Use this option only for Host communication.
3. For the Alternate Host Port, make the following selections:
a. Connection Type. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list: IP
Server, Serial-RS232, Serial-RS485, Serial-Modem, Serial-CoBox. Note that the
IPClient option is listed, but it is not supported by the panel and should not be selected.
b. Data Security. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list: None,
Password/no AES, Password/AES.
c. Select a Baud Rate from the drop-down list.
d. Select a Flow Control from the drop-down list.
4. Click OK.