
5 - 20 Rev A
Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide
VK (Virtual Key) Mapping Section
The virtual key map settings are located in the VKMapping section in the ScanWedge configuration file.
The virtual key map settings define the virtual key that will be sent to ScanWedge for any decoded ASCII
The settings are in the form: ASCII Key = Virtual Key, ShiftMode
ASCII Key is an ASCII value between 0 an 255 (decimal)
Virtual Key is the virtual key to be sent when the specified ASCII key is decoded
ShiftMode can have the following values:
0=the virtual key is never shifted
1=the virtual key must be shifted
2=the virtual key needs to be shifted if Caps Lock is off
3=the virtual key needs to be shifted if Caps Lock is on
For detailed information about the values in this section, see Virtual Key Codes Table on page 5-21.