IntelliKnight 5820XL Installation Manual
5-2 151209
5.2 List of Hochiki SLC Devices
The following Hochiki SLC devices can be used with the control panel. See the appropriate
section number in this manual or the device installation instructions (packaged with the
device) for more information.
Note: The control panel supports the use of either Hochiki SLC devices or SK SLC devices. You cannot install
both SLC device types on this control panel.
Model Number Model Name/Description
Section No./
Instructions PN
SD505-APS Photoelectric smoke detector.
Section 5.7
SD505-AIS Ionization smoke detector
SD505-AHS Absolute temperature heat detector. Trip point range from 135°F–150°F (0°C–37°C).
SD505-6AB 6" base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS. 150955
SD505-6IB 6" short circuit isolator base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS 151175
SD505-6RB 6" relay base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS 151192
SD505-6SB 6" sounder base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and
SD505-APS SLC devices
SD505-DUCT Duct Smoke Detector. Duct Housing including the SD505-APS Analog Photoelectric Smoke
Sensor. Intake tubing for duct available in three lengths:
SD505-T2.5 (2.5 foot); SD505-T5 (5 foot); SD505-T10 (10 foot)
SD505-DUCTR Duct Detector housing with relay base. Duct housing with relay base including SD505-APS
Analog Photoelectric Smoke detector pre-installed
SD505-ADH Duct Detector Housing for use with the SD505-AIS or SD505-APS smoke detectors. Intake
tubing for duct available in three lengths:
STS-2.5: Duct widths 1.0’ to 2.5’; STS-5.0: Duct widths 2.5’ to 5.0’; STS-10.0: Duct widths
5.0’ to 10.0’ When ordering SD505-ADH, specify intake tubing size and order the appropriate
smoke detector (if needed).
SD505-ADHR Duct detector housing with relay (for use with SD505-AIS or SD505-APS smoke detectors) 151126
SD500-PS/-PSDA Single or dual action addressable pull station 151177
SD500-AIM Addressable input module (switch input), standard size, dipswitch configurable 151071
SD500-MIM Mini input monitor module (switch input), small size, dipswitch configurable. Fits in single-
gang box with manual pull station switch.
SD500-ANM Addressable notification module 151109
SD500ARM Addressable relay module dipswitch configurable. 151091
SD500-SDM Addressable smoke detector module. Use to assign an address to a loop of conventional
SD500-LIM Line isolator module. Fits in a double gang box. 151125
SD500-LED Addressable LED driver module. Capable of driving up to 80 LEDs. Up to 40 SD500-LED
Driver Modules can be used per SLC loop.
SD505-DTS, SD505-DTS-K Remote test switch & LED indicator for the SD505-ADHR and SD505-DUCTR 151126