
How the 4500 Thermostat Works With Your
Present Thermostat
The 4500 thermostat works in combination with the original
thermostat installed on the premises.
While the premises is occupied, the security system is usually armed
STAY or DISARMED, and the 4500 thermostat will be inactive. The
original thermostat can be used as usual to set and adjust your
premises temperature.
When controlling a heating system, the set-back temperature setting
of the 4500 thermostat must always be set to a lower temperature
than the original thermostat. This way, the 4500 thermostat will
turn down the heat when the security system is ARMED AWAY.
Alternately, when controlling an air conditioning system, the set-back
temperature setting of the 4500 thermostat must always be set to a
higher temperature than the original thermostat. This way, the 4500
thermostat will allow the ambient temperature to rise when the
security system is ARMED AWAY.
If the pre-existing thermostat has a built-in clock and schedule, the
schedule can be used to set the times you “wake,” “leave,” “return,”
and “sleep.”
Note: The “leave” time should be set for the latest time that you
would expect to leave the premises. The “return” time should be set
to the earliest time you expect to arrive at the premises. If you leave
earlier or return later than scheduled times, the 4500 thermostat will
adjust the temperatures accordingly.
In summary, the 4500 thermostat allows you to:
Set back the temperature (to that set in the 4500 thermostat)
automatically by arming in the AWAY mode when leaving home.
Resume normal temperature (as set by the existing thermostat)
automatically by DISARMING the system when returning home.
Check the temperature by phoning in from a remote location.