
Flanders manufactures metal-frame separator-style
HEPA filters for applications with high-temperature
requirements up to 1,000°F (540°C) for exhaust air
only and 500°F (260°C) for supply air. High-tem-
perature filters are available with either a gasket or
fluid seal. Filters with Blu-Jel
® Fluid Seal have a
maximum service temperature of 390°F (199°C)
HEPA Filters
Each HEPA filter has a minimum efficiency of
99.97% on 0.30 micrometer size particles when
tested at rated capacity on a Q-107 Penetrometer.
Each filter is challenged with an approved nearly
monodispersed oil aerosol of 0.30 micrometer size
and by measuring the upstream and downstream
concentration of these particles with a light scatter-
ing photometer, the penetration can be determined
and the efficiency can be calculated.
Scan Tested HEPA Filters
Each Scan Tested HEPA filter has a minimum effi-
ciency of 99.99% on 0.30 micrometer particles.
Scan testing is in accordance with Section 6.2 of
IEST-RP-CC034.1, HEPA and ULPA Filters Leak
Tests. In the scan test, the filter is challenged with
a high concentration of an approved oil aerosol or
PSL (Polystyrene Latex Spheres). The media pack
and pack-to-frame seal is scanned using a pho-
tometer or particle counter to insure that there are
no leaks greater than .01% of the upstream con-
centration at 100 fpm face velocity. Scan testing is
only available for the 500°F model.
Sealant Types
Two types of sealants for high-temperature HEPA
filters are offered.
Silicone Sealant
This is a high temperature (RTV) silastic-sealant sil-
icone compound rated for continuous service up to
500°F(260°C). NOTE: This high-temperature
sealant is not UL 586 approved.
Glass Pack Sealant For Exhaust Air Only
The glass pack seal is rated for continuous service
up to 1,000°F(540°C) in exhaust air applications
only. It is a mat of submicron glass fibers that cre-
ates a seal when compressed between the filter
pack and filter frame. The glass packing is not an
adhesive seal but a mechanical seal that functions
much as the glass fiber medium of the filter itself.
NOTE: Due to the possibility that the glass pack
may shed glass fibers, the glass pack sealant
should be used for exhaust systems only.
Alpha HT
High Temperature HEPA Filters
See component chart on next page.
Alpha HT Filter Dimensions and Capacities
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
Filter Depth Filter Size and Actual Face CFM Capacity at Clean Weight
(Inches) Frame Depth Size (Inches) Pressure Drop, Inches w.g. (Lb.)
Designator .65 1.0 1.35
GG-F 24x24 650 1000 1300 38
GC-F 24x12 300 455 590 26
11-1/2 YY-F` 23-3/8x23-3/8 615 945 1235 37
YU-F 23-3/8x11-3/8 275 425 550 25
GN-F 24x30 830 1275 1655 45
CC-F 12x12 135 205 265 14
the filter and hvac store