Check there is ample clean, fresh fuel in the tank.
Engine will not start
Check the cutter blade is not fouling the ground preventing free rotation.
Check the Operators Presence Control (OPC) lever is fully released.
Engine will not stop
Remove spark plug lead to stop engine using insulated gloves and refer to dealer.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug lead using heat resistant gloves.
Check blade attachment bolt is tight.
Failure to cut grass properly
Check condition of blade. If seriously worn or damaged replace with a new one.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug lead using heat resistant gloves.
Check and make sure there is no build up of grass inside the casing.
Check grass catcher is allowing air to flow through the fabric; if it is clogged it should be washed
If the grass catcher is not clogged raise the height of cut to increase airflow.
Check to ensure the engine is running at the correct speed, (approximately 3000rpm).
Failure to collect grass properly
If conditions are too severe to use the grass catcher, remove it and work with the deflector in position.
Machine vibrates excessively
This will certainly indicate that the blade has become badly damaged. Stop the engine, disconnect the
spark plug lead and examine the blade assembly. Refer to your local dealer.
The company ................................................... GGP ITALY SPA - Via del Lavoro, 6
31033 Castelfranco V.to (TV) ITALY
HL454HP type ESL 464
HL454SP type ESL 464 TR
45 cm
SUMEC • M 150
SNCH, 11 route de Luxembourg
89/336/EEC ~ 2004/108/EC - 2000/14/EC
95 dB(A)
96 dB(A)
EN 836 - EN 292-2- EN 1033 - EN ISO 3767
EN ISO 14982
85 dB(A)
6 m/s
Certify that the lawnmower, walk behind with
combustion engine ...........................................
Widht of cut .....................................................
Engine ..............................................................
Tested by .........................................................
Conforms to the specifications of directives .....
Castelfranco Veneto (TV) - ITALY 01-10-2008
Conformity assessment procedure followed ......
Measured sound power level ............................
Guaranteed sound power level .........................
Reference to harmonised standards..................
Sound pressure level at the ear measured in compli-
ance with 81/1051/EEC ..............................................
Viration level at the handle (EN 1033) .......................
S. Ferrari (General Manager)