
Advanced Operations (Cable Box Hookups)
Check all the TV and VCR functions. If you don't get all the functions you
want, proceed with Option 2.
Option 2--All Channels Unscrambled
1. Remove the cable company's line from the back of the cable box that
goes to your TV. Connect it to the IN FRONT ANT lower jack on the back
of the VCR.
2. Using the 75 ohm coaxial cable supplied with the VCR, connect either
end to the VCR's OUT TO TV upper jack.
3. Connect the other end of the 75 ohm cable to the TV, in the same place
where you removed the cable line.
Note: You will end up with an extra cable that originally went from the cable
box to the TV.
Check all the TV and VCR functions. If you don't get all the functions you
want, proceed with Option 3.
Option 3--Some Channels Scrambled
This hookup requires three coaxial jumpers with connectors, a 1-into-2
splitter, and an A-or-B switch box.
1. Disconnect the cable from the cable box and attach it to the input line of
the 1-into-2 splitter.
2. Using a coaxial jumper, reconnect one of the splitter outputs to the
cable box's input that you just freed up.
3. Using a second coaxial jumper, connect the other splitter output to the
A of the A-or-B switch.
4. Using the cable box output line, connect the cable box receptacle to the
B of the A-or-B switch.
5. Using a third coaxial jumper, connect the output of the A-or-B switch to
the input of the VCR.
6. Take the coaxial cable that is still connected to the television and hook
it to the output of the VCR.
Some Channels Scrambled Cable Box Hookup
This setup lets you switch between the two configurations in Options 1
and 2. Check all the TV and VCR functions. If you still don't get the