
Functional and Operational Characteristics 3-11
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM User and Reference Guide
Mode Category Function Default MCU/RCU
269 Common
High-Speed Format for Virtual LVI/LUN (VLL) (available for all
device emulation types).
(1) High-Speed Format support: When redefining all LDEVs in
an array group using VLL Volume Initialize or Make Volume
operation, LDEV format, as the last process, will be performed
in high speed.
(2) Make Volume feature enhancement: The Make Volume
operation (recreating new CVs after deleting all volumes in a
VDEV) is now supported for all device emulation types.
Mode 269 = ON: The High Speed format is available when
performing VLL operations on Storage Navigator (or LDEV
format (SVP Maintenance) for all LDEVs in a array group).
Mode 269 = OFF: Only the low-speed format is available when
performing VLL operations on Storage Navigator (and LDEV
format operations on SVP Maintenance).
Note: If mode 503 is ON, since the format processing is
prevented, the High Speed Format function for VLL operations
(mode 269 ON) is not available. For details on the relationship
between modes 503 and 269, see
Table 3-2 and Table 3-3
Note: Mode 269 is effective only when using the SVP to format
the CVS.
278 Open Tru64 (Host Mode 07) and OpenVMS (Host Mode 05)
Caution: Host offline: Required
292 TrueCopy for z/OS Issuing OLS when Switching Port
When the mainframe host (FICON) is connected with the CNT-
made FC switch (e.g., FC9000) and is using along with the
TrueCopy for z/OS with Open Fibre connection, the occurrence
of Link Incident Report for the mainframe host from the FC
switch will be deterred when switching the CHT port attribute
(including automatic switching when executing CESTPATH and
CDELPATH in case of mode 114 = ON).
Mode 292 = ON: When switching the port attribute, issue the
OLS (100 ms) first, and then reset the Chip.
Mode 292 = OFF: When switching the port attribute, reset the
Chip without issuing the OLS.
305 Mainframe
Pre-labeling: Pre-label is added via SVP as tentative volume
serial name into logical device formatting.
313 Open OPEN-V Geometry
For OPEN-V and setting Host Mode Option 16 ON or System
Option Mode 313 ON, the same geometry shared by USP V and
USP/NSC can be responded to the host. When changing Mode
313 or Host Mode Option 16, the connecting server should be
powered off.
Caution: Host offline: Required
316 Open Auto Negotiation in fixed speed.
If signal synchronizing has been unmatched for 2.6 seconds
during Auto Negotiation, the fixed speed can be set as follows:
Mode 316 = ON: 1 Gbps
Mode 316 = OFF: 2 Gbps
The mode should be set when a fixed speed of Auto Negotiation
is needed though the transfer speed may slow down.
The mode is available for CHT PCB.