Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 157
Function name
R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution
1401h Terminal [1] function C001 R/W -
1402h Terminal [2] function C002 R/W -
1403h Terminal [3] function C003 R/W -
1404h Terminal [4] function C004 R/W -
1405h Terminal [5] function C005 R/W -
1406h Terminal [6] function C006 R/W -
1407h Terminal [7] function C007 R/W -
1408h Terminal [8] function C008 R/W
1 (RV: Reverse RUN), 2 (CF1: Multispeed 1 setting), 3
(CF2: Multispeed 2 setting), 4 (CF3: Multispeed 3 setting),
5 (CF4: Multispeed 4 setting), 6 (JG: Jogging), 7 (DB:
external DC braking), 8 (SET: Set 2nd motor data), 9
(2CH: 2-stage acceleration/deceleration), 11 (FRS: free-
run stop), 12 (EXT: external trip), 13 (USP: unattended
start protection), 14: (CS: commercial power source
enable), 15 (SFT: software lock), 16 (AT: analog input
voltage/current select), 17 (SET3: 3rd motor control), 18
(RS: reset), 20 (STA: starting by 3-wire input), 21 (STP:
stopping by 3-wire input), 22 (F/R: forward/reverse
switching by 3-wire input), 23 (PID: PID disable), 24
(PIDC: PID reset), 26 (CAS: control gain setting), 27 (UP:
remote control UP function), 28 (DWN: remote control
DOWN function), 29 (DWN: remote control data clearing),
31 (OPE: forcible operation), 32 (SF1: multispeed bit 1),
33 (SF2: multispeed bit 2), 34 (SF3: multispeed bit 3), 35
(SF4: multispeed bit 4), 36 (SF5: multispeed bit 5), 37
(SF6: multispeed bit 6), 38 (SF7: multispeed bit 7), 39
(OLR: overload restriction selection), 40 (TL: torque limit
enable), 41 (TRQ1: torque limit selection bit 1), 42 (TRQ2:
torque limit selection bit 2), 43 (PPI: P/PI mode selection),
44 (BOK: braking confirmation), 45 (ORT: orientation), 46
(LAC: LAD cancellation), 47 (PCLR: clearance of position
deviation), 48 (STAT: pulse train position command input
enable), 50 (ADD: trigger for frequency addition [A145]),
51 (F-TM: forcible-terminal operation), 52 (ATR:
permission of torque command input), 53 (KHC:
cumulative power clearance), 54 (SON: servo-on), 55
(FOC: forcing), 56 (MI1: general-purpose input 1), 57 (MI2:
general-purpose input 2), 58 (MI3: general-purpose input
3), 59 (MI4: general-purpose input 4), 60 (MI5: general-
purpose input 5), 61 (MI6: general-purpose input 6), 62
(MI7: general-purpose input 7), 63 (MI8: general-purpose
input 8), 65 (AHD: analog command holding), 66 (CP1:
multistage position settings selection 1 ), 67 (CP2:
multistage position settings selection 2), 68 (CP3:
multistage position settings selection 3), 69 (ORL: Zero-
return limit function), 70 (ORG: Zero-return trigger
function), 71 (FOT: forward drive stop), 72 (ROT: reverse
drive stop), 73 (SPD: speed / position switching), 74
(PCNT: pulse counter), 75 (PCC: pulse counter clear)
255 (no: no assignment)
1409h (Reserved) - - Inaccessible -
140Ah (Reserved) - - Inaccessible -
140Bh Terminal [1] active state C011 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
140Ch Terminal [2] active state C012 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
140Dh Terminal [3] active state C013 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
140Eh Terminal [4] active state C014 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
140Fh Terminal [5] active state C015 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
1410h Terminal [6] active state C016 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
1411h Terminal [7] active state C017 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
1412h Terminal [8] active state C018 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
1413h Terminal [FW] active state C019 R/W 0 (NO), 1 (NC) -
1414h (Reserved) - - Inaccessible -