Remove dust from the bag as follows:
(1) Loosen the support bar and remove the dust bag.
(2) The bag inlet can be opened by unzipping the slide
1. How to adjust sanding position.
Push switch and turn sanding belt te check
position. Adjust sanding belt so that both edges
protrude 1/6"–1/8" (1.6mm–3mm) past edges of
lf sanding belt is operated too far on the inside, it
may ceuse abrasion and damage machine.
Adjust sanding belt position by turning adjust
screw (Fig. 4 )
Turn adjust screw clockwise to move belt in.
Turn adjust screw counterclockwise to move
belt out.
If sanding belt moves during operation,
adjustment can be made while in operation.
4. How to move machine
Move mechine forward first and then backward,
repeating this motion.(Fig. 5)
Fig. 4
Adjust screw
In side
Out side
Fig. 5
2. To turn on switch
Turn on switch while holding machine away from
surface to be worked on. If machine is placed on
surface when switch is pushed, surface may be
badly scratched.
The same applies when stopping the machine.
3. How to hold machine
Grasp handle and handle knob and hold machine
against surface to be worked on so that it contacts
surface lightly.
Weight of machine itself is sufficient for sanding
and polishing at highest efficiency.
Do not apply any additional pressure, for this
would place unnecessary load on motor, shorten
life of sanding belt and lower work efficiency.(Fig.
5. How to select proper sanding belt
Choose sanding belt of proper grain size and grain
type for your specific purpose, by referring to Table
1 and 2 below.
Table 1
Derived finish Proper grain size
Coarse finish 30-40
Medium finish 40-100
Semi fine finish 80-240
Fine finish 180-400
Table 2
Grain type Surface to be worked on
AA Steel, Wood
WA Wood, Bamboo
For grain sizes, refer to Table 2
Sanding belt grain should be coarser than
sandpaper used for manual work.
Use sanding belt of same grain size until
uniform surface is obtained. Changing grain
sizes may result in poor finish.