5K320 SATA OEM Specification
than five, the self-test execution status in the S.M.A.R.T. READ DATA response to 00h, set a value
of 03h in the off-line data collection status in the S.M.A.R.T. READ DATA response and shall
proceed to do an off-line read scan through all areas not included in the test spans. This off-line read
scan shall completed as rapidly as possible, no pauses between block reads, and any errors
encountered shall not be reported to the host. Instead error locations may be logged for future
reallocation. If the device is powered-down before the off-line scan is completed, the off-line scan
shall resume when the device is again powered up. From power-up, the resumption of the scan shall
be delayed the time indicated in the Selective self-test pending time field in the Selective self-test log.
During this delay time the pending flag shall be set to one and the active flag shall be set to zero in
the Selective self-test log. Once the time expires, the active flag shall be set to one, and the off-line
scan shall resume. When the entire media has been scanned, the off-line scan shall terminate, both
the pending and active flags shall be cleared to zero, and the off-line data collection status in the
S.M.A.R.T. READ DATA response shall be set to 02h indicating completion.
During execution of the Selective self-test, the self-test executions time byte in the Device S.M.A.R.T.
Data Structure may be updated but the accuracy may not be exact because of the nature of the test
span segments. For this reason, the time to complete off-line testing and the self-test polling times
are not valid. Progress through the test spans is indicated in the selective self-test log.
A COMRESET or software reset shall abort the Selective self-test except when the pending bit is set
to one in the Selective self-test log (see 14.40.7 Selective self-test log data structure). The receipt of a
EXECUTE OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE command with 0Fh, Abort off-line test routine, in
the LBA Low register shall abort Selective self-test regardless of where the device is in the execution
of the command. If a second self-test is issued while a selective self-test is in progress, the selective
self-test is aborted and the newly requested self-test is executed.
S.M.A.R.T. Read Log Sector (Subcommand D5h)
This command returns the specified log sector contents to the host.
The 512 bytes data are returned at a command and the Sector Count value shall be set to one. The
LBA Low shall be set to specify the log sector address.
Log sector address Content Type
00h Log Directory Read Only
01h S.M.A.R.T. Error Log Read Only
02h Comprehensive S.M.A.R.T. Error Log Read Only
06h S.M.A.R.T. Self-test Log Read Only
09h Selective self-test log Read/Write
80h-9Fh Host vendor specific Read/Write
Table 111 Log sector addresses
S.M.A.R.T. Write Log Sector (Subcommand D6h)
This command writes 512 bytes data to the specified log sector.
The 512 bytes data are transferred at a command and the Sector Count value shall be set to one. The
LBA Low shall be set to specify the log sector address (Table 111 Log sector addresses). If Read Only
log sector is specified, the device returns ABRT error.
S.M.A.R.T. Enable Operations (Subcommand D8h)
This subcommand enables access to all S.M.A.R.T. capabilities within the device. Prior to receipt of a
S.M.A.R.T. Enable Operations subcommand, Attribute Values are neither monitored nor saved by
the device. The state of S.M.A.R.T. (either enabled or disabled) will be preserved by the device across
power cycles. Once enabled, the receipt of subsequent S.M.A.R.T. Enable Operations subcommands
will not affect any of the Attribute Values.
Upon receipt of the S.M.A.R.T. Enable Operations subcommand from the host, the device enables
S.M.A.R.T. capabilities and functions.