HandyTone-486 User Manual Grandstream Networks, Inc.
End User
This field contains the password to access the Web Configuration Menu. The
password is case sensitive with a maximum of 25 characters.
Web Port
This is the device’s internal HTTP server port. Default is 80.
IP Address
There are 2 modes under which the HandyTone ATA can operate:
- If DHCP mode is enabled, then all the field values for the Static IP mode are
not used (even though they are still saved in the Flash memory) and the IP
phone will acquire its IP address from the first DHCP server it discovers on
the LAN it attaches to.
To use PPPoE feature please set the PPPoE account settings if the HandyTone
ATA is connected directly to a DSL modem. The HandyTone ATA will
attempt to establish a PPPoE session if any of the PPPoE fields are set.
- If Static IP mode is selected, then the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default
Router IP address, DNS Server 1 (primary), DNS Server 2 (secondary) fields
will need to be configured. These fields are set to zero by default.
DHCP hostname
This option specifies the name of the client. This field is optional but may be
required by some Internet Service Providers. Default is blank.
DHCP domain
This option specifies the domain name that client should use when resolving
hostnames via the Domain Name System. Default is blank.
DHCP vendor class
This option is used by clients and servers to exchange vendor-specific
information. Default is blank.
PPPoE account ID
PPPoE username. Fill this field if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE
(Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection.
PPPoE password
PPPoE account password.
Time Zone
This parameters decides how the displayed date/time will be adjusted
according to the specified time zone.
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