Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 257 of 372
16.3.2 A/D Control/Status Register (ADCSR)
ADCSR consists of the control bits and conversion end status bits of the A/D converter.
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
7 ADF 0 R/W A/D End Flag
[Setting conditions]
When A/D conversion ends in single mode
When A/D conversion ends once on all the
channels selected in scan mode
[Clearing conditions]
When 0 is written after reading ADF = 1
6 ADIE 0 R/W A/D Interrupt Enable
A/D conversion end interrupt request (ADI) enabled
by ADF when this bit is set to 1
5 ADST 0 R/W A/D Start
Setting this bit to 1 starts A/D conversion. In single
mode, this bits is cleared to 0 automatically when
conversion on the specified channel is complete. In
scan mode, conversion continues sequentially on
the specified channels until this bit is cleared to 0
by software, a reset, or a transition to standby
4 SCAN 0 R/W Scan Mode
Selects single mode or scan mode as the A/D
conversion operating mode.
0: Single mode
1: Scan mode
3 CKS 0 R/W Clock Select
Selects the A/D conversions time
0: Conversion time = 134 states (max.)
1: Conversion time = 70 states (max.)
Clear the ADST bit to 0 before switching the
conversion time.