
Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
5-58 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
pim: can not set interface address at
The interface addresses specified in the pim definition cannot be set.
Do not specify the following interfaces because they are not
supported in the multicast.
(1) Interface of RM Ethernet
(2) Interface of AUX(RS232C)
(3) Interface in which the IP interface type is broadcast type in other
than LAN/WAN (PPP).
(4) Shared address interface.
(5) Local loop-back interface
(6) Null interface.
(7) Router device address (device address set by using the config
router command).
(8) Point-point type interface in which the destination IP address is
not specified.
(9) Tunnel interface.
<Address>: Specified interface address.
pim: dense and sparse can not be set up
Simultaneous settings of PIM-DM and PIM-SM are not permitted.
pim: duplicate group address and mask
<Group address> / <Masklen>
The group address and the mask length of specified rendezvous
point candidates have already been defined.
<Group address>: Specified multicast group address
<Masklen>: Specified mask length
pim: duplicate interface address in list at
Interface address is duplicated in pim definition. Specify not to
duplicate interface address.
<Address>: Specified interface address.
pim: duplicate pim clause pim definition is duplicated. Delete one definition.
pim: duplicate sparse parameter sparse definition is duplicated. Delete one definition.
pim:duplicate ssm clause Multiple PIM-SSM "ssm" commands are defined. The maximum
number is 1.
pim: Interface not found at <Address> The interface of interface address specified in pim definition cannot
be found. Specify the defined interface address.
<Address>: Specified interface address.
pim: invalid candidate-bsr priority value at
<Num> not in range 0 to 255
The priority of BSR candidates exceeds the permissible range.
Specify a value from 0 through 255.
<Num>: Specified priority
pim: invalid candidate-rp priority value at
<Num> not in range 0 to 255
The priority of rendezvous point candidates exceeds the permissible
range. Specify a value from 0 through 255.
pim: invalid dense name specified in pim definition is invalid.
pim: invalid inet mask bits value at <Masklen>
not in range 4 to 32
The specified range of the mask length set for rendezvous point
candidates for PIM-SM is illegal. Specify a value from 4 through 32.
<Masklen>: Specified mask length
pim: invalid interface address at <Address> The interface address value specified in pim definition is invalid.
Enter the correct interface address.
<Address>: Specified interface address.
pim: local address and remote address belong
to different subnets on PointToPoint interface
In the point-to-point interface, different subnets are set for the local
address and the remote address. To operate PIM with the
point-to-point interface, use the same subnet.
<Address>: Specified interface address
pim: mask length out of range from 4 to 32 The mask pattern specified for rendezvous point candidates of
PIM-SM exceeds the permissible range. Specify a mask pattern with
a mask length of 4 through 32.
pim: invalid inet mask length for interface
<address> not in range 8 to 30
The mask length of the interface defined for PIM exceeds the
permissible range. Set the interface mask length to 8 through 30.
<Address>: Specified interface address
Table 5-6 Multicast Router Control Information Error Messages (continued)