Condition Max. Throughput kbps per
QoS Use of WAN Protocol on Subject RP
Disabled When only PPP is used (non-multiplex) 32,500
When only PPP is used (multiplex) 26,000
When only frame relay is used 25,900
When PPP and frame relay are used 25,900
Enabled without
kbps-based minimum
bandwidth guarantee
When only PPP is used 14,500
When only frame relay is used 14,500
When PPP and frame relay are used 14,500
Enabled with
kbps-based minimum
bandwidth guarantee
When only PPP is used 14,500
When only frame relay is used - **
When PPP and frame relay are used - **
* Calculations are based on 128-byte packets.
** Frame relay does not support kbps-based minimum bandwidth guarantee.
Table 4-15 E3 Multiplex Line Accommodation per RP-D at Line Speed of 34 Mbps
Condition Max. Throughput kbps per