0.6 mm
Fig. 32
In some areas, local law requires using a resistor spark plug
to suppress ignition signals. If this machine was originally
equipped with resistor spark plug, use same type of spark plug
for replacement.
Flexible drive shaft (Fig. 33)
Flexible drive shaft should be removed and lubricated with good
quality lithium grease every 20 hours. To remove the fl exible shaft,
fi rst remove screw (29), loosen bolt (30) and remove the gear case
then pull the shaft out of the drive shaft pipe. Clean the shaft off and
apply a generous coat of lithium grease to it and insert if back into
the drive shaft pipe, turn it unit it drops into place then install the
gear case, install & tighten screw (29) and screw (30).
Fig. 33
Angle transmission (Fig. 34)
Check angle transmission or angle gear for grease level about every
50 hours of operation by removing the grease fi ller plug on the side
of angle transmission.
If no grease can be seen on the fl anks of the gears, fi ll the
transmission with quality lithium based multipurpose grease up to
3/4. Do not completely fi ll the transmission.
Fig. 34
Semi-auto cutting head
Nylon line replacement
(1) Remove the case (31) by fi rmly pushing inward the locking tabs
with your thumbs as shown in Fig. 35.
Fig. 35
(2) After removing the case, take out the reel and discard the
remaining line.
(3) Fold the new nylon line unevenly in half as shown in picture.
Hook the U-shaped end of the nylon line into the groove (32) on
the center partition of the reel.
Wind both halves of the line on the reel in the same direction,
keeping each half of the line on its own side of the partition.
(Fig. 36)
10 cm
Fig. 36
(4) Push each line into the stopper holes (33), leaving the loose
ends approx. 10 cm in length. (Fig. 37)
10 cm
10 cm
Fig. 37
(5) Insert both loose ends of the line through the cord guide (34)
when placing the reel in the case. (Fig. 38)
Fig. 38
When placing a reel in the case, try to line up the stopper holes
(33) with the cord guide (34) for easier line release later.