Before using your machine
Please note that the washing cap can be used in
WOOL process
• Washing without the cap may cause the laundry
damage and the washing machine failure.
How to install and uninstall the washing cap 34
The washing cap is the optional part
The laundry amount is below 1.2kg.
The WOOL process applies the mode of basket
rotation, which uses the rotating water in the bas-
ket to wash the fine cloth with
label and the
laundry with
label gently.
• Some laundries can't be washed due to the cloth materials.
• Because this process imitates the dry cleaning that handles
the laundry without external force, please remove the oil
contamination, the dirt and the color spot off the laundry.
Process Description
This program is designed for washing clothes only with sweat but no dirt in summer.
This program will not rinse in full automatic mode ,so no detergent, fabric softener, bleach are
required. If it is necessary to use them, be sure to make manual setting or select other program.
The laundry amount is below 1.2kg.
SPEEDY Process
WOOL Process