Components having special safety characteristics are identified by anon the schematics and on the parts list in this service
manual and its supplements and bulletins. Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service technician read and
follow the “Safety Precautions” and the “Product Safety Notices” in this Service Manual.
For continued X-Radiation protection, replace picture tube with original type or Hitachi approved equivalent type.
This Service Manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified
technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex
products such as those covered by this manual.
Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void warranty. If you
are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the
repair to a qualified service technician.
Lead in solder used in this product is listed by the California Health and Welfare agency as a known reproductive toxicant which
may cause birth defects or other reproductive harm (California Health and Safety Code, Section 25249.5).
When servicing or handling circuit boards and other components which contain lead in solder, avoid unprotected skin contact
with solder. Also, when soldering do not inhale any smoke or fumes produced.
This television receiver provides display of television closed captioning in accordance with section 15.119 of the FCC rules.