
NOTE: Each touch of CURSOR or will display the next eight channels.
The time must be set before you can use the CALENDAR, 4 EVENT PROGRAM, SPECIAL EVENT REMINDER
or to set the time, date, and year.
or to change position.
Press EXIT to quit menu or CURSOR
to return to previous menu when the CURSOR is in the first position.
Your HITACHI Projection TV has three color projection tubes: one for red, one for green, one for blue. When
mixed together in the proper proportion, the output of these three colors tubes can produce any color. To produce
these colors, however, the beams must be precisely aligned over each other so that the colors can be mixed. The
process of aligning these picture beams is called "convergence".
Over a period of time, the picture tubes can drift out of alignment due to normal bumps and vibrations or moving
the TV. If you move your TV, or if, after a time, you notice color rings or halos around objects in the picture, you
may want to converge (align) the colors.
Properly converged, the lines appear white, which is actually a combination of the outputs of the three color tubes.
The output of the green tube is stationary. The outputs of the red and blue tubes can be adjusted. When properly
aligned, the outputs of all three tubes should be directly over each other to produce the white lines.
To simplify convergence, HITACHI incorporates a feature to allow you to display a test pattern of horizontal and
vertical lines at 9 different locations on the screen. Simply use the remote control to adjust the red and blue
colors to match the green. When properly aligned, the outputs of all three tubes should be directly over each
other to produce the white lines.
To enter this self-adjust mode, you may also select DIGITAL ARRAY from the Set Up menu. However, this will
display a message prompting you to press the front panel DIGITAL ARRAY button.