Operating the precoded function for your VCR.
This remote is designed to operate different types of VCRs. You must first program the remote to match the
remote system of your VCR. (Refer to page 33 for pre-codes)
1. Turn ON your VCR.
2. Aim the remote control at the front of your VCR.
3. Press and release the VCR button to switch to the VCR pre-coded mode.
4. Hold down the VCR button on the remote, enter the two digit preset code that matches your VCR, as
shown on page 33. The indicator light will flash 3 times if the code was accepted.
5. Aim the remote at the VCR and press the POWER button. The remote will turn off your VCR when the
correct two digit preset code is entered. When this occurs, the remote control is programmed for your
VCR. If the VCR does not turn off, try a different two digit preset code.
6. The remote will now control your VCR.
1. If your VCR cannot be operated after performing the above procedures, your VCR's code has not been
precoded into the remote.
2. In the unlikely event that your VCR cannot be operated after performing the above procedures, please
consult your VCR operating guide.
3. The remote control will remember the codes you have programmed until the batteries are removed from
the remote control. After replacing the batteries repeat the entire programming procedure as stated above.
4. The MENU button will act as the VCR MENU button for HITACHI VCRs.
5. The LAST CH button will act as your VCR ENTER button if required.
7. The SLEEP button will act as your VCR '100' button if required.
(1) VCR Button
This button allows the remote to control your VCR by setting it to VCR mode.
(2) PRECODED VCR Buttons
These buttons transmit the chosen precoded VCR codes. For some VCRs, you must press the RECORD
button twice to record a program.
(3) EXCLUSIVE TV Buttons
These buttons are for operating the TV.
MY VCR CODE IS:___________________
NOTE: Refer to instruction manual of the VCR for operation of the buttons exclusively for the VCR.