Hilti rotating lasers
Ideal for indoor and outdoor applications
Hilti PR60:
Simple and robust
Hilti PR16:
Practical and versatile
Hilti PR16 rotating laser
■ Mainly for indoor applications
■ For short- to medium-distance work
■ High accuracy
■ Laser class 2: red, easily visible
■ Horizontal alignment of suspended ceilings and for electrical
■ Vertical alignment of pipes and ducts in plumbing, heating
and air conditioning installations
■ Transferring right angles for drywall installations
■ Installation of conveyor belts on an incline
Hilti PR60 rotating laser
■ For outdoor applications
■ For medium- to long-distance work
■ Very high accuracy
■ Laser class 1: infrared, invisible
■ Levelling work in general construction and civil engineering
■ Foundation excavations
■ Alignment of formwork, pouring and compacting concrete
■ Concrete foundations, floors and decks
For alignment in horizontal, vertical and inclined planes and
transferring right angles. The Hilti PR16’s innovative beam
catcher stops the beam and then projects it as a reference line –
without need for a remote control unit. Both hands remain free.
The Hilti PR60 is specially designed for levelling work in out-
door applications. This robust tool is sealed to prevent the entry
of dust and water and is equipped with an outstanding vibration
absorption system.