HP HP Pavilion Pavilion ze2015us ze2015us Notebook Notebook PCPCHP HP Pavilion Pavilion ze2015us ze2015us Notebook Notebook PCPC Datasheet
key specifications
® ®
M M Processor Processor 350 350
Processor Processor SpeedSpeed
Processor Processor CacheCache
1MB 1MB L2 L2 CacheCache
Bus Bus SpeedSpeed
400MHz 400MHz Front-Side Front-Side BusBus
512MB 512MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 256MB) 256MB) at at 266MHz 266MHz
Maximum Maximum Memory Memory 1024MB 1024MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 512MB)512MB)
Accessible Accessible Memory Memory SlotsSlots
Video Video Graphics Graphics and and Video Video Memory
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics 2 2 (shared) (shared) 64mb* 64mb*
Hard Hard DriveDrive
60GB 60GB (4200RPM) (4200RPM) Hard Hard DriveDrive
Removable Removable MediaMedia
External External USB USB Floppy Floppy Drive Drive available available for for customers customers via via hpshopping.com
hpshopping.com or or local local retailersretailers
Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive
24X 24X DVD/CD-RW DVD/CD-RW Combo Combo DriveDrive
15.0"XGA 15.0"XGA TFT TFT (1024 (1024 x x 766) 766) displaydisplay
Network Network CardCard
Integrated Integrated 10/100BASE-T 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Ethernet LANLAN
(RJ-45 (RJ-45 connector)connector)
Wireless Wireless OptionOption
® ®
PRO/Wireless PRO/Wireless 2200 2200 802.11BG 802.11BG WLANWLAN
High High speed speed 56k 56k modem modem
16-bit 16-bit Sound Sound BlasterBlaster
Pro-compatible Pro-compatible audio audio
Internal Internal Harman/KardonHarman/Kardon
speakers speakers
AC AC audio audio link link
Volume Volume control control button button and and mute mute buttonbutton
101-key 101-key compatiblecompatible
Pointing Pointing DeviceDevice
Touch Touch Pad Pad with with dedicated dedicated vertical vertical and and horizontal horizontal Scroll Scroll up/down up/down pad
PC PC Card Card SlotsSlots
1 1 Type Type I/II I/II 32-bit 32-bit card card bus bus (also (also supports supports 16-bit)16-bit)
External External Notebook Notebook PortsPorts
2 2 Universal Universal Serial Serial Bus Bus (USB) (USB) 2.0 2.0
1 1 headphone-out headphone-out
1 1 microphone-in microphone-in
1 1 VGA VGA (15-pin) (15-pin)
1 1 RJ-11 RJ-11 (modem) (modem)
1 1 RJ RJ -45 -45 (LAN) (LAN)
1 1 IEEE1394IEEE1394
13.15"(W) 13.15"(W) x x 10.80"(L) 10.80"(L) x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)
6.27 6.27 lbslbs
MicroSaver MicroSaver lock lock slot slot
Power-on Power-on password password
Accepts Accepts 3rd 3rd party party security security lock lock devicesdevices
65W 65W AC AC adapter adapter
6-Cell 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batterybattery
Optional Optional AccessoriesAccessories
HP HP 6-cell 6-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PF723A PF723A
HP HP 12-cell 12-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PB995A PB995A
HP HP 65W 65W AC AC Adapter- Adapter- DL606A#ABA DL606A#ABA
HP HP 90W 90W Auto/Air/AC Auto/Air/AC Adapter- Adapter- PC628A#ABA PC628A#ABA
HP HP 40GB 40GB Mobile Mobile Hard Hard Drive- Drive- DQ550ADQ550A
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
1-Year 1-Year Limited Limited Hardware Hardware Warranty; Warranty; 1-Year 1-Year Technical Technical Phone Phone Support;
Support; 30-Day 30-Day Free Free Software Software Support; Support; (Free (Free 90-Day* 90-Day* Software Software Support
Support with with Product Product Registration) Registration) *from *from date date of of purchase. purchase. Online Online Assistance
® ®
M M Processor Processor 350 350
® ®
M M Processor Processor 350 350
® ®
M M Processor Processor 350 350
® ®
M M Processor Processor 350 350
Processor Processor SpeedSpeed
Processor Processor SpeedSpeedProcessor Processor SpeedSpeed
Processor Processor CacheCache
1MB 1MB L2 L2 CacheCache
Processor Processor CacheCacheProcessor Processor CacheCache
1MB 1MB L2 L2 CacheCache•
1MB 1MB L2 L2 CacheCache1MB 1MB L2 L2 CacheCache
Bus Bus SpeedSpeed
400MHz 400MHz Front-Side Front-Side BusBus
Bus Bus SpeedSpeedBus Bus SpeedSpeed
400MHz 400MHz Front-Side Front-Side BusBus•
400MHz 400MHz Front-Side Front-Side BusBus400MHz 400MHz Front-Side Front-Side BusBus
512MB 512MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 256MB) 256MB) at at 266MHz 266MHz
Maximum Maximum Memory Memory 1024MB 1024MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 512MB)512MB)
512MB 512MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 256MB) 256MB) at at 266MHz 266MHz
Maximum Maximum Memory Memory 1024MB 1024MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 512MB)512MB)
512MB 512MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 256MB) 256MB) at at 266MHz 266MHz 512MB 512MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 256MB) 256MB) at at 266MHz 266MHz
Maximum Maximum Memory Memory 1024MB 1024MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 512MB)512MB)Maximum Maximum Memory Memory 1024MB 1024MB DDR DDR SDRAM SDRAM (2 (2 x x 512MB)512MB)
Accessible Accessible Memory Memory SlotsSlots
Accessible Accessible Memory Memory SlotsSlotsAccessible Accessible Memory Memory SlotsSlots
Video Video Graphics Graphics and and Video Video Memory
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics 2 2 (shared) (shared) 64mb* 64mb*
Video Video Graphics Graphics and and Video Video Memory
Video Video Graphics Graphics and and Video Video Memory
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics 2 2 (shared) (shared) 64mb* 64mb*
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics 2 2 (shared) (shared) 64mb* 64mb*
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics 2 2 (shared) (shared) 64mb* 64mb*
Hard Hard DriveDrive
60GB 60GB (4200RPM) (4200RPM) Hard Hard DriveDrive
Hard Hard DriveDriveHard Hard DriveDrive
60GB 60GB (4200RPM) (4200RPM) Hard Hard DriveDrive
60GB 60GB (4200RPM) (4200RPM) Hard Hard DriveDrive
60GB 60GB (4200RPM) (4200RPM) Hard Hard DriveDrive
Removable Removable MediaMedia
External External USB USB Floppy Floppy Drive Drive available available for for customers customers via via hpshopping.com
hpshopping.com or or local local retailersretailers
Removable Removable MediaMediaRemovable Removable MediaMedia
External External USB USB Floppy Floppy Drive Drive available available for for customers customers via via hpshopping.com
hpshopping.com or or local local retailersretailers
External External USB USB Floppy Floppy Drive Drive available available for for customers customers via via hpshopping.com
hpshopping.com or or local local retailersretailers
External External USB USB Floppy Floppy Drive Drive available available for for customers customers via via hpshopping.com
hpshopping.com or or local local retailersretailers
Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive
24X 24X DVD/CD-RW DVD/CD-RW Combo Combo DriveDrive
Multimedia Multimedia DriveDriveMultimedia Multimedia DriveDrive
24X 24X DVD/CD-RW DVD/CD-RW Combo Combo DriveDrive•
24X 24X DVD/CD-RW DVD/CD-RW Combo Combo DriveDrive24X 24X DVD/CD-RW DVD/CD-RW Combo Combo DriveDrive
15.0"XGA 15.0"XGA TFT TFT (1024 (1024 x x 766) 766) displaydisplay
15.0"XGA 15.0"XGA TFT TFT (1024 (1024 x x 766) 766) displaydisplay•
15.0"XGA 15.0"XGA TFT TFT (1024 (1024 x x 766) 766) displaydisplay15.0"XGA 15.0"XGA TFT TFT (1024 (1024 x x 766) 766) displaydisplay
Network Network CardCard
Integrated Integrated 10/100BASE-T 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Ethernet LANLAN
(RJ-45 (RJ-45 connector)connector)
Network Network CardCardNetwork Network CardCard
Integrated Integrated 10/100BASE-T 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Ethernet LANLAN
(RJ-45 (RJ-45 connector)connector)•
Integrated Integrated 10/100BASE-T 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Ethernet LANLAN
(RJ-45 (RJ-45 connector)connector)Integrated Integrated 10/100BASE-T 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Ethernet LANLAN
(RJ-45 (RJ-45 connector)connector)
Wireless Wireless OptionOption
® ®
PRO/Wireless PRO/Wireless 2200 2200 802.11BG 802.11BG WLANWLAN
Wireless Wireless OptionOptionWireless Wireless OptionOption
® ®
PRO/Wireless PRO/Wireless 2200 2200 802.11BG 802.11BG WLANWLAN•
® ®
PRO/Wireless PRO/Wireless 2200 2200 802.11BG 802.11BG WLANWLANIntelIntel
® ®
PRO/Wireless PRO/Wireless 2200 2200 802.11BG 802.11BG WLANWLAN
High High speed speed 56k 56k modem modem
High High speed speed 56k 56k modem modem
High High speed speed 56k 56k modem modem
High High speed speed 56k 56k modem modem
16-bit 16-bit Sound Sound BlasterBlaster
Pro-compatible Pro-compatible audio audio
Internal Internal Harman/KardonHarman/Kardon
speakers speakers
AC AC audio audio link link
Volume Volume control control button button and and mute mute buttonbutton
16-bit 16-bit Sound Sound BlasterBlaster
Pro-compatible Pro-compatible audio audio
Internal Internal Harman/KardonHarman/Kardon
speakers speakers
AC AC audio audio link link
Volume Volume control control button button and and mute mute buttonbutton
16-bit 16-bit Sound Sound BlasterBlaster
Pro-compatible Pro-compatible audio audio 16-bit 16-bit Sound Sound BlasterBlaster
Pro-compatible Pro-compatible audio audio
Internal Internal Harman/KardonHarman/Kardon
speakers speakers Internal Internal Harman/KardonHarman/Kardon
speakers speakers
AC AC audio audio link link AC AC audio audio link link
Volume Volume control control button button and and mute mute buttonbuttonVolume Volume control control button button and and mute mute buttonbutton
101-key 101-key compatiblecompatible
101-key 101-key compatiblecompatible•
101-key 101-key compatiblecompatible101-key 101-key compatiblecompatible
Pointing Pointing DeviceDevice
Touch Touch Pad Pad with with dedicated dedicated vertical vertical and and horizontal horizontal Scroll Scroll up/down up/down pad
Pointing Pointing DeviceDevicePointing Pointing DeviceDevice
Touch Touch Pad Pad with with dedicated dedicated vertical vertical and and horizontal horizontal Scroll Scroll up/down up/down pad
Touch Touch Pad Pad with with dedicated dedicated vertical vertical and and horizontal horizontal Scroll Scroll up/down up/down pad
Touch Touch Pad Pad with with dedicated dedicated vertical vertical and and horizontal horizontal Scroll Scroll up/down up/down pad
PC PC Card Card SlotsSlots
1 1 Type Type I/II I/II 32-bit 32-bit card card bus bus (also (also supports supports 16-bit)16-bit)
PC PC Card Card SlotsSlotsPC PC Card Card SlotsSlots
1 1 Type Type I/II I/II 32-bit 32-bit card card bus bus (also (also supports supports 16-bit)16-bit)•
1 1 Type Type I/II I/II 32-bit 32-bit card card bus bus (also (also supports supports 16-bit)16-bit)1 1 Type Type I/II I/II 32-bit 32-bit card card bus bus (also (also supports supports 16-bit)16-bit)
External External Notebook Notebook PortsPorts
2 2 Universal Universal Serial Serial Bus Bus (USB) (USB) 2.0 2.0
1 1 headphone-out headphone-out
1 1 microphone-in microphone-in
1 1 VGA VGA (15-pin) (15-pin)
1 1 RJ-11 RJ-11 (modem) (modem)
1 1 RJ RJ -45 -45 (LAN) (LAN)
1 1 IEEE1394IEEE1394
External External Notebook Notebook PortsPortsExternal External Notebook Notebook PortsPorts
2 2 Universal Universal Serial Serial Bus Bus (USB) (USB) 2.0 2.0
1 1 headphone-out headphone-out
1 1 microphone-in microphone-in
1 1 VGA VGA (15-pin) (15-pin)
1 1 RJ-11 RJ-11 (modem) (modem)
1 1 RJ RJ -45 -45 (LAN) (LAN)
1 1 IEEE1394IEEE1394
2 2 Universal Universal Serial Serial Bus Bus (USB) (USB) 2.0 2.0 2 2 Universal Universal Serial Serial Bus Bus (USB) (USB) 2.0 2.0
1 1 headphone-out headphone-out 1 1 headphone-out headphone-out
1 1 microphone-in microphone-in 1 1 microphone-in microphone-in
1 1 VGA VGA (15-pin) (15-pin) 1 1 VGA VGA (15-pin) (15-pin)
1 1 RJ-11 RJ-11 (modem) (modem) 1 1 RJ-11 RJ-11 (modem) (modem)
1 1 RJ RJ -45 -45 (LAN) (LAN) 1 1 RJ RJ -45 -45 (LAN) (LAN)
1 1 IEEE1394IEEE13941 1 IEEE1394IEEE1394
13.15"(W) 13.15"(W) x x 10.80"(L) 10.80"(L) x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)
13.15"(W) 13.15"(W) x x 10.80"(L) 10.80"(L) x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)•
13.15"(W) 13.15"(W) x x 10.80"(L) 10.80"(L) x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)13.15"(W) 13.15"(W) x x 10.80"(L) 10.80"(L) x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)x1.29"(min)/1.63"(max)(H)
6.27 6.27 lbslbs
6.27 6.27 lbslbs
6.27 6.27 lbslbs
6.27 6.27 lbslbs
MicroSaver MicroSaver lock lock slot slot
Power-on Power-on password password
Accepts Accepts 3rd 3rd party party security security lock lock devicesdevices
MicroSaver MicroSaver lock lock slot slot
Power-on Power-on password password
Accepts Accepts 3rd 3rd party party security security lock lock devicesdevices
MicroSaver MicroSaver lock lock slot slot KensingtonKensington
MicroSaver MicroSaver lock lock slot slot
Power-on Power-on password password Power-on Power-on password password
Accepts Accepts 3rd 3rd party party security security lock lock devicesdevicesAccepts Accepts 3rd 3rd party party security security lock lock devicesdevices
65W 65W AC AC adapter adapter
6-Cell 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batterybattery
65W 65W AC AC adapter adapter
6-Cell 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batterybattery
65W 65W AC AC adapter adapter 65W 65W AC AC adapter adapter
6-Cell 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batterybattery6-Cell 6-Cell Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batterybattery
Optional Optional AccessoriesAccessories
HP HP 6-cell 6-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PF723A PF723A
HP HP 12-cell 12-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PB995A PB995A
HP HP 65W 65W AC AC Adapter- Adapter- DL606A#ABA DL606A#ABA
HP HP 90W 90W Auto/Air/AC Auto/Air/AC Adapter- Adapter- PC628A#ABA PC628A#ABA
HP HP 40GB 40GB Mobile Mobile Hard Hard Drive- Drive- DQ550ADQ550A
Optional Optional AccessoriesAccessoriesOptional Optional AccessoriesAccessories
HP HP 6-cell 6-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PF723A PF723A
HP HP 12-cell 12-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PB995A PB995A
HP HP 65W 65W AC AC Adapter- Adapter- DL606A#ABA DL606A#ABA
HP HP 90W 90W Auto/Air/AC Auto/Air/AC Adapter- Adapter- PC628A#ABA PC628A#ABA
HP HP 40GB 40GB Mobile Mobile Hard Hard Drive- Drive- DQ550ADQ550A
HP HP 6-cell 6-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PF723A PF723A HP HP 6-cell 6-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PF723A PF723A
HP HP 12-cell 12-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PB995A PB995A HP HP 12-cell 12-cell Li-Ion Li-Ion Replacement Replacement Battery- Battery- PB995A PB995A
HP HP 65W 65W AC AC Adapter- Adapter- DL606A#ABA DL606A#ABA HP HP 65W 65W AC AC Adapter- Adapter- DL606A#ABA DL606A#ABA
HP HP 90W 90W Auto/Air/AC Auto/Air/AC Adapter- Adapter- PC628A#ABA PC628A#ABA HP HP 90W 90W Auto/Air/AC Auto/Air/AC Adapter- Adapter- PC628A#ABA PC628A#ABA
HP HP 40GB 40GB Mobile Mobile Hard Hard Drive- Drive- DQ550ADQ550AHP HP 40GB 40GB Mobile Mobile Hard Hard Drive- Drive- DQ550ADQ550A
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
1-Year 1-Year Limited Limited Hardware Hardware Warranty; Warranty; 1-Year 1-Year Technical Technical Phone Phone Support;
Support; 30-Day 30-Day Free Free Software Software Support; Support; (Free (Free 90-Day* 90-Day* Software Software Support
Support with with Product Product Registration) Registration) *from *from date date of of purchase. purchase. Online Online Assistance
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupportWarranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
1-Year 1-Year Limited Limited Hardware Hardware Warranty; Warranty; 1-Year 1-Year Technical Technical Phone Phone Support;
Support; 30-Day 30-Day Free Free Software Software Support; Support; (Free (Free 90-Day* 90-Day* Software Software Support
Support with with Product Product Registration) Registration) *from *from date date of of purchase. purchase. Online Online Assistance
1-Year 1-Year Limited Limited Hardware Hardware Warranty; Warranty; 1-Year 1-Year Technical Technical Phone Phone Support;
Support; 30-Day 30-Day Free Free Software Software Support; Support; (Free (Free 90-Day* 90-Day* Software Software Support
Support with with Product Product Registration) Registration) *from *from date date of of purchase. purchase. Online Online Assistance
1-Year 1-Year Limited Limited Hardware Hardware Warranty; Warranty; 1-Year 1-Year Technical Technical Phone Phone Support;
Support; 30-Day 30-Day Free Free Software Software Support; Support; (Free (Free 90-Day* 90-Day* Software Software Support
Support with with Product Product Registration) Registration) *from *from date date of of purchase. purchase. Online Online Assistance
bundled software
Operating Operating SystemSystem
® ®
® ®
XP XP Home Home Edition+Service Edition+Service Pack Pack 2 2
Security Security and and SupportSupport
Symantec™ Symantec™ Norton Norton Antivirus Antivirus 2005™ 2005™ (complementary (complementary 60 60 days days Live
Live Update) Update)
Notebook Notebook Help Help & & Support Support
Adobe™ Adobe™ Acrobat Acrobat ReaderReader
Productivity Productivity and and FinanceFinance
Microsoft Microsoft
Works Works
Microsoft Microsoft
Money Money
® ®
® ®
Plus Plus
Office Office 2003 2003 Student Student and and Teacher Teacher Edition:60 Edition:60 day day trial trial version
MS MS Zones.comZones.com
Sonic Sonic RecordNow RecordNow
InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD
Muvee™ Muvee™ autoProducer autoProducer
HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Plus Plus photo photo and and imaging imaging software software
Apple Apple iTunes iTunes and and Apple Apple iTunes iTunes Music Music StoreStore
Internet Internet SolutionsSolutions
Easy Easy Internet Internet Sign-up Sign-up plans plans include:include:
Dial-Up Dial-Up
Operating Operating SystemSystem
® ®
® ®
XP XP Home Home Edition+Service Edition+Service Pack Pack 2 2
Operating Operating SystemSystemOperating Operating SystemSystem
® ®
® ®
XP XP Home Home Edition+Service Edition+Service Pack Pack 2 2 •
® ®
® ®
XP XP Home Home Edition+Service Edition+Service Pack Pack 2 2 MicrosoftMicrosoft
® ®
® ®
XP XP Home Home Edition+Service Edition+Service Pack Pack 2 2
Security Security and and SupportSupport
Symantec™ Symantec™ Norton Norton Antivirus Antivirus 2005™ 2005™ (complementary (complementary 60 60 days days Live
Live Update) Update)
Notebook Notebook Help Help & & Support Support
Adobe™ Adobe™ Acrobat Acrobat ReaderReader
Security Security and and SupportSupportSecurity Security and and SupportSupport
Symantec™ Symantec™ Norton Norton Antivirus Antivirus 2005™ 2005™ (complementary (complementary 60 60 days days Live
Live Update) Update)
Notebook Notebook Help Help & & Support Support
Adobe™ Adobe™ Acrobat Acrobat ReaderReader
Symantec™ Symantec™ Norton Norton Antivirus Antivirus 2005™ 2005™ (complementary (complementary 60 60 days days Live
Live Update) Update)
Symantec™ Symantec™ Norton Norton Antivirus Antivirus 2005™ 2005™ (complementary (complementary 60 60 days days Live
Live Update) Update)
Notebook Notebook Help Help & & Support Support Notebook Notebook Help Help & & Support Support
Adobe™ Adobe™ Acrobat Acrobat ReaderReaderAdobe™ Adobe™ Acrobat Acrobat ReaderReader
Productivity Productivity and and FinanceFinance
Microsoft Microsoft
Works Works
Microsoft Microsoft
Money Money
® ®
® ®
Plus Plus
Office Office 2003 2003 Student Student and and Teacher Teacher Edition:60 Edition:60 day day trial trial version
MS MS Zones.comZones.com
Productivity Productivity and and FinanceFinanceProductivity Productivity and and FinanceFinance
Microsoft Microsoft
Works Works
Microsoft Microsoft
Money Money
® ®
® ®
Plus Plus
Office Office 2003 2003 Student Student and and Teacher Teacher Edition:60 Edition:60 day day trial trial version
MS MS Zones.comZones.com
Microsoft Microsoft
Works Works Microsoft Microsoft
Works Works
Microsoft Microsoft
Money Money Microsoft Microsoft
Money Money
® ®
® ®
Plus Plus MSNMSN
® ®
® ®
Plus Plus
Office Office 2003 2003 Student Student and and Teacher Teacher Edition:60 Edition:60 day day trial trial version
Office Office 2003 2003 Student Student and and Teacher Teacher Edition:60 Edition:60 day day trial trial version
MS MS Zones.comZones.comMS MS Zones.comZones.com
Sonic Sonic RecordNow RecordNow
InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD
Muvee™ Muvee™ autoProducer autoProducer
HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Plus Plus photo photo and and imaging imaging software software
Apple Apple iTunes iTunes and and Apple Apple iTunes iTunes Music Music StoreStore
Sonic Sonic RecordNow RecordNow
InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD
Muvee™ Muvee™ autoProducer autoProducer
HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Plus Plus photo photo and and imaging imaging software software
Apple Apple iTunes iTunes and and Apple Apple iTunes iTunes Music Music StoreStore
Sonic Sonic RecordNow RecordNow Sonic Sonic RecordNow RecordNow
InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD
Muvee™ Muvee™ autoProducer autoProducer Muvee™ Muvee™ autoProducer autoProducer
HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Plus Plus photo photo and and imaging imaging software software HP HP Image Image Zone Zone Plus Plus photo photo and and imaging imaging software software
Apple Apple iTunes iTunes and and Apple Apple iTunes iTunes Music Music StoreStore
Apple Apple iTunes iTunes and and Apple Apple iTunes iTunes Music Music StoreStore
Internet Internet SolutionsSolutions
Easy Easy Internet Internet Sign-up Sign-up plans plans include:include:
Dial-Up Dial-Up
Internet Internet SolutionsSolutionsInternet Internet SolutionsSolutions
Easy Easy Internet Internet Sign-up Sign-up plans plans include:include:
Dial-Up Dial-Up
Easy Easy Internet Internet Sign-up Sign-up plans plans include:include:
Dial-Up Dial-Up
Easy Easy Internet Internet Sign-up Sign-up plans plans include:include:
Dial-Up Dial-Up
Intel's Intel's numbering numbering is is not not a a measurement measurement of of higher higher performance. performance.
Shared Shared video video memory memory (UMA) (UMA) uses uses part part of of the the total total system system memory memory for for video video performance. performance. System System memory memory dedicated dedicated to to video video performance performance is is not not available available for for other other use use by by other other programs. programs. Note- Note- this this disclaimer disclaimer affects affects system system memory, memory, and
and Graphics. Graphics.
1 1 GB GB = = 1 1 billion billion bytes bytes when when referring referring to to hard hard drive drive capacity; capacity; actual actual formatted formatted capacity capacity is is less.less.
Actual Actual data data transfer transfer rates rates will will vary. vary.
Maximum Maximum achievable achievable download download speeds speeds are are currently currently unknown, unknown, may may not not reach reach 56Kbps 56Kbps and and will will vary vary with with line line conditions. conditions. Upload Upload speeds speeds are are less less and and also
also will will vary. vary.
Weight Weight will will vary vary by by configurationconfiguration
Internet Internet access access requires requires payment payment of of additional additional fees fees or or subscription subscription for for use. use. Special Special Offers Offers do do not not include include local local telephone telephone company company charges, charges, if if any, any, or or applicable applicable taxes. taxes. Any Any long long distance distance charges charges incurred incurred will will be be the the responsibility responsibility of of the the customer. customer. Please Please make
make sure sure your your access access number number is is local. local. A A valid valid credit credit card card is is required required to to initiate initiate the the service. service. This This offer offer is is valid valid in in the the U.S.A. U.S.A. only. only. Additional Additional terms terms and and conditions conditions may may apply; apply; see see particular particular offers offers for for details. details. Certain Certain state state specific specific restrictions restrictions and and exclusions exclusions apply.apply.
Internet Internet Access Access is is required. required.
U.S. U.S. only; only; 99c
99c each; each; no no subscription subscription required. required.
SD SD memory memory sold sold separately; separately; options options including including memory memory available.available.
Intel's Intel's numbering numbering is is not not a a measurement measurement of of higher higher performance. performance.
Shared Shared video video memory memory (UMA) (UMA) uses uses part part of of the the total total system system memory memory for for video video performance. performance. System System memory memory dedicated dedicated to to video video performance performance is is not not available available for for other other use use by by other other programs. programs. Note- Note- this this disclaimer disclaimer affects affects system system memory, memory, and
and Graphics. Graphics.
1 1 GB GB = = 1 1 billion billion bytes bytes when when referring referring to to hard hard drive drive capacity; capacity; actual actual formatted formatted capacity capacity is is less.less.
Actual Actual data data transfer transfer rates rates will will vary. vary.
Maximum Maximum achievable achievable download download speeds speeds are are currently currently unknown, unknown, may may not not reach reach 56Kbps 56Kbps and and will will vary vary with with line line conditions. conditions. Upload Upload speeds speeds are are less less and and also
also will will vary. vary.
Weight Weight will will vary vary by by configurationconfiguration
Internet Internet access access requires requires payment payment of of additional additional fees fees or or subscription subscription for for use. use. Special Special Offers Offers do do not not include include local local telephone telephone company company charges, charges, if if any, any, or or applicable applicable taxes. taxes. Any Any long long distance distance charges charges incurred incurred will will be be the the responsibility responsibility of of the the customer. customer. Please Please make
make sure sure your your access access number number is is local. local. A A valid valid credit credit card card is is required required to to initiate initiate the the service. service. This This offer offer is is valid valid in in the the U.S.A. U.S.A. only. only. Additional Additional terms terms and and conditions conditions may may apply; apply; see see particular particular offers offers for for details. details. Certain Certain state state specific specific restrictions restrictions and and exclusions exclusions apply.apply.
Internet Internet Access Access is is required. required.
U.S. U.S. only; only; 99c
99c each; each; no no subscription subscription required. required.
SD SD memory memory sold sold separately; separately; options options including including memory memory available.available.
Product Product Number: Number: PX382UA#ABA PX382UA#ABA 03/10/r4_lvh 03/10/r4_lvh
2005 2005 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard CompanyCompanyProduct Product Number: Number: PX382UA#ABA PX382UA#ABA 03/10/r4_lvh 03/10/r4_lvh
2005 2005 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard CompanyCompany
Actual Actual product product may may vary vary from from image image shown shown on on datasheet. datasheet. All All hardware hardware and and software software specifications specifications are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. HP HP and and the the invent invent signature
signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All other other products products names names mentioned mentioned herein herein may may be be trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies. companies.
2005 2005 Hewlett-Packard
Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All rights rights reserved. reserved.
Actual Actual product product may may vary vary from from image image shown shown on on datasheet. datasheet. All All hardware hardware and and software software specifications specifications are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. HP HP and and the the invent invent signature
signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All other other products products names names mentioned mentioned herein herein may may be be trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies. companies.
2005 2005 Hewlett-Packard
Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All rights rights reserved. reserved.
Questions Questions about about the the HP HP Pavilion Pavilion ze2015us ze2015us Notebook Notebook PC?PC?
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