Does your phone line have a call-waiting feature?
If the fax telephone line has an activated call-waiting feature, a call-waiting notice can interrupt a fax call in
progress, which causes a communication error. Ensure that a call-waiting feature is not active on the fax
telephone line.
Check fax accessory status
If the analog-fax accessory does not appear to be functioning, print a Configuration Page report to check the
1. From the Home screen, scroll to and touch the Administration button.
2. Open the following menus:
Configuration/Status Pages
Configuration Page
3. Touch the Print button to print the report, or touch the View button to view the report on the screen.
The report consists of several pages.
NOTE: The product IP address or host name is listed on the Jetdirect Page.
On the Fax Accessory Page of the Configuration Page, under the Hardware Information heading, check the
Modem Status. The following table identifies the status conditions and possible solutions.
NOTE: If the Fax Accessory Page does not print, there might be a problem with the analog fax accessory. If
you are using LAN fax or Internet fax, those configurations could be disabling the feature.
Operational / Enabled
The analog-fax accessory is installed and ready.
Operational / Disabled
The fax accessory is installed, but you have not configured the
required fax settings yet.
The fax accessory is installed and operational; however, the
HP Digital Sending utility has either disabled the product fax
feature or has enabled LAN fax. When LAN fax is enabled, the
analog-fax feature is disabled. Only one fax feature, either LAN
fax or analog fax, can be enabled at a time.
NOTE: If LAN fax is enabled, the Fax feature is unavailable on
the product control panel.
Non-Operational / Enabled/Disabled
The product has detected a firmware failure. Upgrade the
Damaged / Enabled/Disabled
The fax accessory has failed. Reseat the fax accessory card and
check for bent pins. If the status is still DAMAGED, replace the
analog-fax accessory card.
ENABLED indicates that the analog-fax accessory is enabled and turned on; DISABLED indicates that LAN fax is enabled (analog fax is
turned off).
ENWW Solve fax problems 153