
Installation and Start-Up Procedure
Chapter 2 23
Installation and Start-Up Procedure
The following components are installed when you install the HP-UX
AAA Server:
AAA Server binaries, libraries, and utilities
RMI objects that facilitate communication from the AAA server to
Server Manager
AAA server AATV module for authentication
Perform the following steps to install and start the HP-UX AAA server:
Step 1. Log in to your HP-UX 11.0 or 11i v1 system as root.
Step 2. Verify the product dependencies are installed:
# swlist |egrep “hpuxwsTomcat|T1456AA”
hpuxwsTomcat A. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
T1456AA Java2 1.4 SDK for HP-UX
IMPORTANT Be sure you have the correct versions of the product dependencies
Step 3. If needed, install HP-UX SDK (product #T1456AA) containing Java2
RTE 1.4.0.x
Step 4. If needed, install the HP-UX Tomcat-based Serverlet Engine v
(product # HPUXWST100001) or higher
Step 5. Download the AAA Server depot file from www.software.hp.com and
move it to /tmp
Step 6. Verify you downloaded the file correctly: # swlist -d -s /tmp/<AAA
Step 7. Stop any active Tomcat processes. Use
/opt/hpws/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh to stop Tomcat.
Step 8. Install the AAA Server: # swinistall -s /tmp/<AAA Server>.depot