Installing the System
Chapter 3
Table 3-18 describes what happens when the server is at BCH, and you press the power button.
Table 3-19 describes what happens when the server is on with the operating system running, and you press
the power button.
If the server is off, and power is not connected to server power supplies, pressing the power button has no
If the server is off, and power is connected to server power supplies, the front panel power LED blinks at a
1 Hz rate. In this state, standby power is available to server circuits, but main power is off.
Table 3-20 describes what happens when the server is off, and you press the power button.
Server Does Not Power On
The server power button on the front panel operates differently depending on how long the button is held, and
on what the system is doing when the button is pressed. You must be aware of its uses to properly
troubleshoot the system.
NOTE If the server is off, and power is not connected to server power supplies, pressing the power
button has no effect.
Power problems during installation are usually related to the installation process. If the server does not
power on, check the LED indicators on the power supply rear panels and follow these steps.
• If the ac power LED on the power supply on the rear panel of the server is lit, power is available to the
• If the ac power LED is not lit, the server is either in standby power mode, or there is a problem. Reseat
the power supply. If the problem persists, remove and reseat the board within the server. If the problem
persists, replace the power supply or the power supply interface board.
Table 3-18 Server Power Button Functions When Server is On and at BCH
Action Reaction
One to three seconds System power turns off immediately (hard power off)
Five seconds or longer System power turns off immediately (hard power off)
Table 3-19 Server Power Button Functions When Server is On and OS is Running
Action Reaction
One to three seconds System power turns off (software controlled power off)
Five seconds or longer System power turns off immediately (hard power off)
Table 3-20 Server Power Button Functions When Server is Off
Action Reaction
One to three seconds System power turns on