Appendix B
Boot Console Handler
COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values
INformation menu Displays hardware information
SERvice menu Displays service commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [<menu>|<command>] Display help for menu or command
RESET Restart the system
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >
* You cannot modify the keyboard path.
Boot Command
Use the BO (boot) command to initiate the boot sequence from any menu in the interface. You can enter either
a default or specified path to the boot device. This path must be the definition of a device, for example,
FWSCSI.6.0 or PRI. The default is PRI.
Path Command
The PA (path) command displays or sets the current paths. Invoked with only one argument, PA displays the
current path of the entity passed as argument. For example, path alt displays the current alternative boot
path, and path pri fwscsi.6.0 sets up the primary boot path as the device attached to SCSI controller with
ID 6 and LUN 0. You can also set and display the paths of console (graphics/serial) and keyboard. For
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > pa
Primary boot path: intscsia.1
0/01/01/0.1 (hex)
Alternate boot path: intscsib.2
0/01/01/01.2 (hex)
Console path: 0/7/1/1.0
0/07/01/01.1 (hex)
Keyboard path: 0/0/4/0.0
0/0/04/0.0 (hex)
Main Menu: Enter command or manu >
Search Command
The SEA (search) command automatically checks all possible boot and install devices connected to the system
and displays these bootable paths. In several firmware versions, it links these paths to a shortcut (such as
P0). It can also search the LAN, if the system can boot it. Some firmware revisions enable you to restrain the
search path, for example SEA lan or SEA disk. The SEA command is available in the
Main and COnfiguration
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > sea
Searching for potential boot device(s)