In Yanchao village in the Kaoshiung county of Taiwan, a revolution is
underway that will transform university education forever. The Shu-Te
University is experimenting with mobile teaching and administration. Using
HP iPAQs, teachers at Shu-Te are able to consult to students anywhere,
anytime. The entire campus is wireless enabled, making mobile teacher-
student interaction a reality. Apart from overcoming the logistical hurdles
of venue, coordination and recording of interactions, HP iPAQs allow
teachers to access student information and tutorial records no matter where
they are – eliminating the need to carry bulky paper files around the campus.
Online teacher-student meetings, referrals for counselling and evaluation
are now standard practice at Shu-Te University. And in the near future,
student’s results, attendance records and photographs will also be incorporated
into the system – which means students will be able to keep abreast of
activities on campus and pick their subjects without ever visiting the school.
The HP iPAQ, with its memory expansion capabilities, processing speeds
and user-friendly software, has proven to be the ideal choice for introducing
information technology to the 10,000 staff and students at Shu-Te.
“In the past, when teachers
held meetings and discussions
with students, they had to carry
two thick stacks of student files
and search for the relevant
data. Now, with the HP iPAQ,
teachers can access the
student’s information and
tutorial records instantly.”
Lin Quanyi
Associate Professor
HP iPAQ success story
Shu-Te University, Taiwan
The challenge
- Streamline the administration process by creating a
mobile campus
The solution
- HP iPAQ Pocket PC h3900
- Multi-media optical-fibre network enabling wireless
access to the Internet
The results
- Instant access of students’ tutorial records and
academic results
- More students’ problems resolved through effective
and efficient counselling
The HP iPAQ Pocket PC helps Shu-Te University
create a mobile campus