Interpret control panel messages for supplies
Table 7-1 Supplies status messages
Control panel message Description Recommended action
10.0X.Y0 Supply memory error The product cannot read or write to the print
cartridge memory chip or the memory chip is
missing from the print cartridge.
Reinstall the print cartridge, or install a new
print cartridge.
Black cartridge low The product indicates when a supply level is
low. Actual print cartridge life might vary.
You do not need to replace the print
cartridge at this time unless print quality is no
longer acceptable.
If print quality is no longer acceptable,
replace the print cartridge. Consider
purchasing a replacement cartridge so it is
available when the installed cartridge has
reached the end of its estimated life.
Black cartridge very low The product indicates when a supply level is
very low. Actual print cartridge life might
vary. You do not need to replace the print
cartridge at this time unless print quality is no
longer acceptable. After an HP supply has
reached the very low threshold, the
HP Premium Protection Warranty for that
supply has ended.
If print quality is no longer acceptable,
replace the print cartridge.
Incompatible <supply> The indicated supply is not compatible with
this product.
Replace the supply with one that is designed
for this product.
Incompatible supplies Supply items are installed that were not
designed for this product. The product
cannot print with these supplies installed.
Press the down arrow
button to identify
the incompatible supplies. Install supplies
that are designed for this product.
Maintenance Kit low The maintenance kit is low. The actual supply
life remaining might vary. Consider having a
replacement maintenance kit available to
install when print quality is no longer
acceptable. You do not need to replace the
maintenance kit at this time unless print
quality is no longer acceptable.
If print quality is no longer acceptable,
replace the maintenance kit. Instructions are
included with the maintenance kit.
Maintenance Kit very low The maintenance kit is very low. The actual
supply life remaining might vary. You do not
need to replace the maintenance kit at this
time unless print quality is no longer
acceptable. After an HP supply has reached
the very low threshold, the HP Premium
Protection Warranty for that supply has
If print quality is no longer acceptable,
replace the maintenance kit. Instructions are
included with the maintenance kit.
Replace <supply> The product indicates when a supply level is
at its estimated end of life. The actual life
remaining might be different than the
estimation. Have a replacement supply
available to install when print quality is no
longer acceptable. The supply does not need
to be replaced now unless the print quality is
no longer acceptable. After an HP supply
has reached its approximated end of life,
HP’s Premium Protection Warranty on that
supply ends.
Replace the specified supply.
Or, configure the product to continue
printing by using the Manage Supplies
104 Chapter 7 Print cartridges ENWW