EN LJ 4100 Service mode functions 121
Changing settings
The item-count value is changed using a different method from that
used for other control-panel values. Instead of increasing the entire
value by increments, each digit can be selected and modified
individually. The following control-panel buttons are used to modify the
page count value:
Page count
The page count that is stored in NVRAM and is shown on the
configuration page printout represents the number of pages the printer
has printed (excluding engine-test prints). If it is necessary to install a
new formatter in the printer, the page count must be reset so that it
represents the age of the printer engine rather than the age of the
Before replacing the formatter or firmware DIMM, print a configuration
page and a menu map to verify the current printer settings. Use the
information on these pages to reset the customer’s print settings.
Changing the page count (example)
ELECT Enters any changes to the current digit and advances the
cursor one digit to the right. If the last digit is currently
selected, pressing S
ELECT wraps the cursor around to the
first digit.
ALUE + Increases the value of the currently selected digit by one.
Pressing V
ALUE+ when 9 is the value of the currently
selected digit changes the value of the digit to 0.
ALUE Decreases the value of the currently selected digit by one.
Pressing –V
ALUE when 0 is the value of the currently
selected digit changes the value of the digit to 9.