
Connecting to the Internet
User’s Guide 10–2
Connecting to a Private Network
1. Before you start, be sure to have your server phone number,
user name, and password. This information can be obtained
from your network administrator.
2. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections icon.
3. In My Work Network, follow the instructions for each type
of connection. For more information on Bluetooth
connections, refer to Chapter 9, “Using Bluetooth.” For more
information on Wi-Fi connections, refer to “Setting Up VPN
Server Connections” or “Setting Up Proxy Server Settings”
in Chapter 8, “Using Wi-Fi.”
Entering an Internet Address
With Pocket Internet Explorer and a connection to the Internet,
you can view Web sites on your iPAQ Pocket PC by typing an
address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the Address bar.
Note: Web sites that use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
4.0, Dynamic HTML (DHTML), animated Graphic Interchange
Format (GIF) images, and Java applets might not work correctly
in Pocket Internet Explorer without additional software.
To enter an Internet address (URL) on your iPAQ Pocket PC:
1. Tap Start > Internet Explorer > Address Bar.
Note: If the Address Bar is not visible, tap the View tab >
Address Bar to turn it on.
2. Enter the Internet address (URL) into the Internet Explorer
Address bar.
3. Tap the Go icon.
This is the common way to access a Web site on the Internet.