
Chapter 4: Using HP Instant Share 87
4 Connect the camera to your computer by using either the
special USB cable for connecting the camera to a computer
that came with your camera, or the optional HP Photosmart
R-series dock:
Connect the camera to the
computer with the USB
cable by connecting the
larger end of the cable to
the computer, and
connecting the small end
of the cable to the USB
connector behind the
rubber door on the side of
the camera.
Connect the camera to the computer with an optional
HP Photosmart R-series dock by putting the camera in
the dock and pressing the Save/Print button on
the dock.
This activates the camera HP Instant Share Menu setup
wizard on your computer. See Setting Up Destinations on a
Windows Computer on page 88 or Setting Up Destinations
on a Macintosh Computer on page 89 for instructions for
your computer.