The HP Digital Sender 8100C operates as a stand-alone unit on the network. You
administer each digital sender independently of any other device on the network under a
password that applies only to that digital sender.
The digital sender accepts three types of users
● registered users
Individuals who have created their own user profile on the digital sender. Only
registered users have personal e-mail address books and lists that are accessible at
the digital sender.
● guest users
Individuals who are not registered users and who do not have user profiles. Guest
users can use the digital sender and all public address books. However, they cannot
see or use personal address books. The administrator can disable guest user access.
● administrator for the digital sender
The individual (referred to as the “administrator” in this guide) who performs
administrator activities for the digital sender. Because the digital sender is a stand-
alone unit on the network, these activities can be performed independently of any
other network activity. Network administrator privileges for the digital sender do
not require network privileges. Activities include such things as establishing the
level of security for the digital sender and maintaining the public address books. The
administrator has access to all personal address books.
The administrator controls digital sender security in these ways:
● Determining who can use the digital sender (registered users and guest users, or
only registered users).
● Requiring passwords. Passwords are available at two levels: administrator and
registered users. Both are optional. Passwords control what each type of user can
see and do at the digital sender.
● Enabling or disabling self-registration for users. If disabled, only the administrator
can add or modify user profiles.