HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers
mediaą(Used instead of medium.) The
material on which the graphics are plotted:
paper, translucent material, vellum, film, or
special paper.
media axisąThe axis along which the meĆ
dia moves. (XĆaxis; paper axis.)
media jamąA situation in which media
becomes blocked in the plotter mechanisms.
mediaĆjam leverąPinchĆarm lever.
mediaĆlength calibrationąMediaĆsensor
mediaĆsensor calibrationąMediaĆlength
milą1/1000 of an inch.
minimum pass timeąThe time necessary
for ink to dry sufficiently before the plotter
can place more ink adjacent to it.
MIOąModular Input/Output.
monitor modeąService monitor.
MSĆDOSąMicroSoft DiskĆOperating SysĆ
no negative motionąAn RTL command
that indicates to the plotter that it will reĆ
ceive all data already in the order in which
it should be plotted.
offĆaxis ink systemąA system whereby
ink is pumped to the cartridges from a resĆ
ervoir that does not move with the carriage.
PALąProgrammable Array Logic.
paletteą A set of pens for which width and
% shading are defined using the setup sheet
or the graphics software.
paper axisąMedia axis (XĆaxis).
parityąAn errorĆchecking method for inĆ
formation transfer between a computer
and a peripheral device. Parity is used to
check the accuracy of binary data.
passąA movement of the carriage from left
to right, or from right to left, as it plots the
pass advanceąThe distance that the meĆ
dia advances between carriage passes.
PCąPersonal Computer.
PCAąPrinted Circuit Assembly.
peną1. Even though the inkjet plotter has
no physical pens, the lines it draws match
the attributes for pens numbered 1 through
8 in the application software. (See also
2. Sometimes used instead of print carĆ
pinchĆarm leverąPinchĆwheel lever, meĆ
diaĆjam lever.
PJLąPrinter Job Language, developed by
HewlettĆPackard to give software applicaĆ
tions more jobĆlevel device control and to
provide device status information to the apĆ
platen rollerąDrive roller.
plot qualityąPrint quality.
PMLąPrinter Management Language.
P/NąPart Number.
power cycleąThe switching of the plotter
off and then on again.
primary colorsącyan, magenta, yellow,
print qualityąPlot quality
Product Line 30ąHewlettĆPackard's
product line of largeĆformat, pen and therĆ
malĆinkjet plotters.