IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that when you are creating the backup specifications in the Sizer tool you pay
particular attention to the Field “Number of parallel Backup Streams”. This field determines the backup
throughput and the amount of concurrent replications that are possible BUT it may require a conscious
change by the customer in backup policies to make it happen.
A single backup stream (1) to a D2D device may run, for example, at 30 MB/sec but running three streams
simultaneously to a D2D will run at say 80 MB/sec. The Sizer has all these throughputs per stream modeled
with actual numbers from device testing. So, for best throughput, HP recommends four streams or more. What
this means in practice is re-specifying backup jobs to use separate mount points. For example, instead of
backing up “Filesystem1” spread across drives C, D, E on site A, create three jobs C:/Dir1, D:/Dir2,
E:/Dir3, so that we can run three parallel backup streams.
Number of parallel
backup streams will
determine overall
throughput. The backup
specification says
Filesystem1 has 3 mount
points which allows us to
run 3 parallel backup
Sites A and D are
identical so we can
specify 2 identical